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Trump Indictment Not Coming Tuesday, Another Witness To Be Called?

Trump Indictment Not Coming Tuesday, Another Witness To Be Called?

As the world watched and waited in anticipation, the much-anticipated indictment of former United States President Donald Trump failed to materialize on Tuesday, 12th October 2021. Instead, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol reconvened, and another witness was called to testify.

The announcement of the testimony of the new witness, whose identity remains a secret, came as a surprise to many who had expected the committee to announce the indictment of Trump or the release of its final report. It was, however, a clear indication that the committee was still gathering evidence and following leads that would help it build a water-tight case against the ex-president.

The Importance of Witnesses in the Committee’s Investigation

Since its inception in July 2021, the House Select Committee has been hard at work investigating the events that occurred on January 6th, 2021. The committee’s mandate is to investigate the attack on the Capitol, including the role that Trump and his allies played in inciting the insurrection. The committee operates under the assumption that the former President and his associates were responsible for the events that unfolded, and it seeks to build a case that proves their guilt beyond doubt.

To achieve this, the committee is relying on a wide range of sources, including documents, emails, and videos. However, the most crucial source of evidence is the testimony of witnesses who were present during the events or who were involved in the planning or execution of the insurrection.

So far, the committee has heard from several high-profile witnesses, including former Trump administration officials, members of law enforcement and security personnel, and Capitol police officers. Their testimonies have shed light on the events of that fateful day, providing the committee with valuable insight into the events that transpired.

Why the Indictment did not Come Tuesday

Many people had eagerly anticipated the announcement of Trump’s indictment on Tuesday morning, and several media outlets had speculated that the committee was close to bringing charges against him. However, the announcement did not come, and some observers were left wondering why.

There are several possible reasons why the indictment did not come on Tuesday. One possibility is that the committee is still gathering evidence and building a case against the ex-president. While there is a significant amount of evidence that suggests Trump was involved in inciting the insurrection, the committee’s case must be beyond doubt to prosecute him for his actions.

Another possibility is that the committee is waiting for the results of the ongoing criminal investigation into the events of January 6th. Several federal agencies, including the Department of Justice and the FBI, are conducting their investigations into the insurrection, and their findings could be vital to the committee’s case.

Finally, it is possible that the committee is waiting for additional witnesses to come forward or agree to testify. The witness who testified on Tuesday was a surprise addition, which suggests that there may be other witnesses whose testimonies could be critical to the committee’s case.

What Can we Expect in the Next Few Weeks?

Despite the lack of an indictment on Tuesday, it is clear that the committee is moving closer to bringing charges against Trump and his associates. The testimony of witnesses has already provided the committee with enough evidence to implicate several high-ranking officials in the events of January 6th.

Going forward, we can expect the House Select Committee to continue gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses to strengthen its case. It is likely that we will see additional witnesses testify before the committee in the coming weeks, with some of them potentially having been involved in the events of January 6th.

Additionally, we may see the Department of Justice bring charges against some of the individuals who were involved in the insurrection. If this happens, it could provide valuable evidence to the committee, which could use it to build a stronger case against Trump and his allies.


The lack of an indictment on Tuesday was undoubtedly a disappointment for many people who had hoped to see Trump brought to justice. However, it is important to remember that the House Select Committee is conducting a thorough investigation that requires time, patience, and a significant amount of evidence.

Moreover, the fact that the committee is still gathering evidence and calling witnesses to testify is a clear indication that it is serious about holding those responsible for the events of January 6th accountable for their actions. As such, we can rest assured that the committee is doing everything in its power to build a strong case against Trump and his accomplices.

Ultimately, we must remember that accountability is a vital aspect of democracy. The events of January 6th were an attempt to undermine the democratic process, and those involved must be held accountable for their actions. Whether or not Trump is indicted, we can rest assured that the House Select Committee will do everything in its power to ensure that justice is served.

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