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Travis Scott’s Circus Maximus Concert Puts Ancient Sites ‘At Risk’ – IOTW Report

Travis Scott’s Circus Maximus Concert Puts Ancient Sites ‘At Risk’ – IOTW Report

ArtNews: After a performance at Rome’s Circus Maximus by American rapper Travis Scott sparked concerns about an earthquake on Monday evening, the director of the nearby Colosseum is calling for an end to concerts at the ancient Roman venue.


According to a CNN report, residents made “hundreds of calls” to the local fire service thinking there had been an earthquake.

It was confirmed with local authorities, however, that the tremors were caused by thousands of people jumping at Scott’s concert. That night, he introduced Ye (aka Kanye West), who has not publicly performed since making antisemitic comments online.

As a result, Colosseum director Alfonsina Russo is calling for an end to mega concerts at the Circus Maximus. MORE HERE

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