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Top Republican announces bid to fill McConnell's shoes meets fierce opposition: “No!

Names are already emerging to succeed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who is stepping down in November.

The 82-year-old is the longest-serving party leader in Senate history and the man who was once his No. 2 in the leadership has officially thrown his hat into the ring.

Texas Senator John Cornyn became the first Republican to announce that he is making a bid for the leadership position. saying In a statement Thursday, “I am asking my Republican colleagues to give me the opportunity to succeed Leader McConnell.”

“I think the Senate is broken, that's not news to anybody. The good news is that it can be fixed, and I intend to play a big role in fixing it,” Cornyn said, provoking fiery responses from critics.

“From experience, I've learned what works in the Senate and what doesn't,” he added. “And I am confident that Senate Republicans can restore our institution to the essential role it plays in our constitutional republic.”

Senator John Thune, RS.D. and John Barrasso, R-Wyo., have also been mentioned as possible successors to McConnell, though neither has officially announced anything.

Cornyn, who served two terms as chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, reminded fellow Republican senators that he has “built a track record of listening to his colleagues and seeking consensus, while leading the fight to stop the evils policies that are harmful to our nation. and the conservative cause.”

It also pledged to “improve communication, increase transparency and ensure the inclusion of every member's experience and opinion”.

“We will restore the important role of Senate committees and restore the regular adjudication process, instead of moving from one crisis to the next. And we will return the power to our members; no more backroom deals or forced votes on bills without adequate time for review, debate and amendment,” Cornyn vowed, apparently addressing some Republicans' criticism of McConnell's decisions.

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, has often criticized McConnell and had a message for potential successors.

Florida Sen. Rick Scott, who is challenging McConnell for office in 2022, issued a statement after the GOP leader's announcement.

Cornyn has supported former President Donald Trump in his re-election bid and, according to Fox News, “is said to have voted with Trump more than 92 percent of the time during his tenure in the White House.”

Cornyn's announced announcement to be Senate leader got some heated responses on X where even Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton asked users if the senator is “conservative enough” to lead the GOP.


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Top Republican announces bid to fill McConnell's shoes meets fierce opposition: “No!
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