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” This is the beginning of what’s likely to be an endless war in Ukraine.” – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

” This is the beginning of what’s likely to be an endless war in Ukraine.” – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

In a recent episode of his podcast, War Room: Pandemic, Steve Bannon made a bold statement regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He claimed that what we are seeing now is just the beginning of what is likely to be an endless war.

Bannon has always been known for his blunt and sometimes controversial opinions. He served as chief strategist for President Trump and is often credited with being the architect of his 2016 election victory. But what exactly does Bannon mean by an endless war in Ukraine?

At the heart of the conflict in Ukraine is a battle for control over the country’s future direction. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine sought to establish closer ties with the West and move away from Russia’s orbit. However, Moscow has long viewed Ukraine as an essential strategic and cultural asset and has worked tirelessly to undermine Ukrainian independence.

In 2014, a popular uprising ousted Ukraine’s pro-Moscow president, Viktor Yanukovych, and replaced him with a pro-Western government. Moscow responded by annexing Crimea and supporting separatist rebels in Eastern Ukraine.

Since then, the conflict has simmered, with periodic flare-ups of violence. The Minsk agreements, signed in 2015, aimed to bring an end to the fighting, but they have largely been ineffective.

For Bannon, an endless war in Ukraine would mean that the conflict is unlikely to be resolved through diplomacy or negotiations. He sees Russia as determined to maintain its influence in Ukraine and willing to use military force to achieve its goals.

Bannon also anticipates that the United States will play a key role in the conflict, given its status as a global superpower and its historic ties to Europe. He sees the U.S. as having a responsibility to support Ukraine and defend its territorial integrity against Russian aggression.

However, Bannon’s predictions are not shared by everyone. Some experts believe that while the conflict may continue for years to come, it is unlikely to become an endless war. They point to the fact that Ukraine has managed to hold out against Russian aggression for over seven years and has made significant progress in building up its military and strengthening its democratic institutions.

Furthermore, they argue that Russia may not want an all-out war with Ukraine, as it could lead to significant economic and political consequences. Moscow has already faced international sanctions for its actions in Ukraine, and a full-scale conflict could lead to further isolation and economic hardship.

In conclusion, while Steve Bannon’s warning of an endless war in Ukraine may have some merit, it is not a foregone conclusion. The conflict may drag on for years to come, but with international pressure and support for Ukraine, it may still be resolved through negotiations and diplomacy. Ultimately, the fate of Ukraine rests on the determination of its people and the continued support of its allies.

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