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THERE WILL NOT BE A BAILOUT – The Donald – America First

THERE WILL NOT BE A BAILOUT – The Donald – America First

I don’t know much about the banking business, so a little simple explanation from one of your kind financial expert kids would help me unravel this a bit more. I’ll give you my probably incorrect take on this business and maybe you can tell me where I’m wrong.

It seems to me that SVB is not like your average High Street bank, serving both personal and business banking customers alike. With SVB, I keep seeing terms like fintech and tech, a lot of their customer base seems to be startups and development companies that are largely funded by venture capital and angel investors. My guess is that most of the money being deposited into SVB is the funds they have received from these investors. If this is the case, are the investors the ones who take the financial loss when the bank goes under, with the actual startups etc. collapsing as a result of the failure? It seems to be a somewhat high risk part of the banking world.

Are there many individual (US current?) and personal savings accounts with SVB? I have seen some big names being asked but will they have equally large amounts tied up in the bank and I was wondering if there were people who work day to day as SVB clients? Sounds to me like it was an investment type bank rather than your high street bank.

Please feel free to tell me if I’m completely wrong, as I’ve already said I’m no expert on this. I ask because our UK government has pledged to do exactly the same as yours for SVB UK.

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