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The worse it is in France, the less American corporate media covers it and we know why – Discern Report

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When the initial protests began in France over the death of “French George Floyd” Nahel M, a 17-year-old Muslim man killed by police, corporate media was everywhere. But in recent days, as protests turned into riots, then into full-blown insurrection (the real kind, not the fake J6 version), the corporate media suddenly has a lot of other things to cover.

What happened? It’s obvious. Open borders and forced multiculturalism have been exposed for their inevitable results and America’s corporate media doesn’t want us to see what’s in our future.

Here are a few videos detailing the carnage. Note that I have censored the truly hateful videos out there, videos showing people being tortured and dismembered on the streets of Paris. I also haven’t checked that these are all from France this week; it’s common for old videos to resurface and be retitled as current.

This is very coordinated for a spontaneous event.

It’s not just violence. A strange chaos is afoot.

Gun control doesn’t work.

No place is sacred. No place is safe.

First responders aren’t sure either.

Public transport is done.

At least one bus got away… a little.

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And it’s not just Paris.

American corporate media covers almost none of this. It’s the biggest news in the world right now as a major Western nation burns, literally, but the narrative isn’t convenient. The truth gives us a glimpse into what the Globalist Elite Cabal has planned for all of us, so they keep it quiet.

Here’s CNN’s home page right now:


I couldn’t zoom out far enough to get to the only story about the riots on their home page. This story begs the question, “Is it safe to travel to Paris right now?” Even in their “coverage” of what’s going on, they ask a ridiculous question in hopes that people will think it can’t be that bad if CNN is asking. It’s like asking if it’s safe to stab yourself in the eyeball right now. No, it is not.


Fox News is covering it, but even their report is milquetoast. There is no mention that the victim was Muslim or that the riots are directly linked to Muslim migrants. Neither highlights any of the root causes of this mess:

French authorities deploy 45,000 police officers as fourth night of riots approaches

In preparation for an expected fourth night of unrest following a fatal police-involved shooting of a teenager during a routine traffic stop, French officials have mobilized 45,000 police officers and armored vehicles in several cities, including Paris , Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Strasbourg, and Lille.

The incident that sparked these widespread protests occurred in the Paris suburb of Nanterre when a 17-year-old named Nahel M. was fatally shot by police. The entire episode was captured on video, leading to an eruption of riots across the country.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin provided an update on the situation, revealing that 270 people had been arrested on Friday night alone, bringing the total number of arrests to 1,100 since the protests began.

In Marseille, rioters raided a gun shop and managed to steal some hunting rifles but left the ammunition intact.

Expressing concern, Marseille mayor Benoit Payan took to Twitter to urge the French government to send additional troops, stressing that “scenes of looting and violence are unacceptable”.

In response to the escalating situation, Darmanin requested that local authorities suspend bus and tram services from 21:00. He further emphasized that the deployment of 45,000 officers is underway, acknowledging the critical hours that remain and expressing his confidence in the unwavering efforts of the country’s firefighters and police. officers

When asked about the possibility of declaring a state of emergency during a television interview, Darmanin stated: “We do not rule out any possibility, and the decision will be taken by the President of the Republic after assessing the situation after the fact of tonight.”

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The corporate media ignores the crisis in France because they can’t find a way to avoid that it was caused by a massive invasion of Muslim migrants exploiting the weakness of radical leftist policies.

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