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The US criminal agency called “CISA” has been trying to control your thoughts, speech and life…

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It’s a full-time job trying to sift through all the corruption and plots related to the dystopian regime takeover by COVID-19. Little by little, we are getting there. However, one thing is clear: the US government used every possible tactic and tool at its disposal to reshape society and take away the power and freedoms of the American people. We see that more and more clearly thanks to a report that came out on Monday. The House Judiciary Committee released a 36-page report showing the shady actions of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Turns out they’ve been friends with Big Tech and their “disinformation” friends to silence Americans. The report points to three main problems we’ve seen time and time again: first, government officials appear to have gotten away with the First Amendment by using third parties to do their dirty work; second, they are picking and choosing narratives based on their political benefits, and finally, an out-of-control bureaucracy has sunk its claws into our society. So, in layman’s terms, the report reveals that CISA has been trying like hell to control your thoughts, your speech and your life.

Global search:

The House Report reveals that CISA, a branch of the Department of Homeland Security, worked with social media platforms to censor posts it deemed disinformation, misinformation or disinformation. Brian Scully, the head of CISA’s censorship team, admitted that this process, known as “switchboarding”, would “trigger content moderation”.

In addition, CISA funded the non-profit EI-ISAC in 2020 to strengthen its censorship operations. EI-ISAC worked to report and track “disinformation across all channels and platforms.” In launching the non-profit, the government boasted that it “takes advantage[d] DHS CISA’s relationship with social media organizations to ensure priority treatment of misinformation reports.”

The headquarters’ programs directly contradict CISA director Jen Easterly’s sworn testimony. “We don’t censor anything … we don’t report anything to social media organizations,” Esterly told Congress in March. “We don’t do any censorship.” His statement was more than a lie; he omitted the institutionalization of the practice she denied. The agency’s initiatives were based on a collusive apparatus of public-private partnerships designed to suppress unapproved information.

It wasn’t about defending the truth or getting the facts straight. CISA was meticulously planning to suppress any narrative, true or not, that did not fit the preferred “story”.

The report describes how CISA censored “misinformation: truthful information that the government believes has the potential to mislead.” Journalist Lee Fang later wrote that the misinformation campaign “highlights not only the broad authority the federal government has to shape the political content available to the public, but also the toolkit it relies on to limit scrutiny in regulating speech.”

Our dear friend DOCTOR Kate Starbird makes an appearance…

Officials supporting the operation remained unrepentant in their goal of advancing political agendas. Dr. Kate Starbird, a member of CISA’s “Disinformation and Disinformation” subcommittee, lamented that many Americans seem to “accept misinformation as ‘speech’ and within democratic norms.”

The terror that can be unleashed by the bureaucratic state is limitless.

The report exposes the growing power of the administrative state. Federal bureaucrats rely on anonymity and unaccountability. Private industry employees could never oversee a disaster like the Covid response and keep their jobs. It would be like BP’s Gulf of Mexico safety chief getting a promotion after the oil spill.

But unelected officials like CISA officials enjoy ever-increasing power over the lives of Americans without having to answer for their calamities. Suzanne Spaulding, a member of the Disinformation and Misinformation Subcommittee, warned that “it was only a matter of time before someone realized we existed and started asking about our work.”

A very intriguing point in the report is how most Americans have never heard of CISA, but this agency has a lot of power. CISA maintains its power by operating behind the scenes, quietly keeping threads out of the public eye. That’s why a smaller federal government is crucial to preserving our rights and freedom. Right now, our system is designed to keep us guessing as to who is in control.

Read the full report here…



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