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The sordid union between intelligence and crime that produced Jeffrey Epstein

Comment by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Investigative journalist Whitney Webb was recently interviewed on the Jimmy Dore show about her new 2-volume book: One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein.

This interview is quickly going viral and for good reason. This is one you’ll want to see.

Whitney reveals how organized crime began working for US military intelligence during World War II, and even developed its own organized crime syndicate that worked alongside the US government. This syndicate was based on criminal ethnic groups such as the Irish, Italian and Jewish mobs.

Sexual blackmail was their modus operandi, and they continued to work with US intelligence after the war, when the CIA was formed.

Chances are you’ll hear shocking things in this interview that you haven’t heard before, and Whitney claims it’s all documented (I haven’t read the books yet).

During this interview he explains that Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia operation was not an anomaly, but rather a regular business modality that still works today.

It also explains how Epstein’s public crimes involved child sex trafficking, but that he allegedly ran a separate operation where he groomed girls who became young women who were then sold to the rich and famous.

Briefly discusses Epstein’s relationship with Donald Trump in the 1990s and states that there is alleged evidence that Epstein provided Trump with two high-profile girlfriends at the time, one of whom became his wife (Melania) and , finally, in the First Lady of the United States. states

Another bombshell he drops is that he found a “mainstream media” article from 2001 documenting how Jeffrey Epstein gained most of his wealth from three men: Leslie Wexner, Donald Trump and Bill Gates.

This is definitely an interview you’ll want to watch. The last thing Whitney Webb says at the end of the interview is:

If any of this sounds crazy to people, I encourage you to read the books. I have written everything down thoroughly. There is a source for everything I say. You can go check it out for yourself. Please check me all you want.

I can’t even begin to explain how valuable this is, because for the past few years the main sources of data that feed search engines, including privacy-driven search engines like, have been primarily owned by Google and Microsoft, and they’ve been rewriting the algorithms in many searches to show you only what they want you to find.

This does not mean that it is not still available on the Internet. It just means it’s much harder to find it today, here in late 2022.

So, in this case, with one of the most researched journalists and experts on Jeffrey Epstein and the pedophile sex-trafficking networks among the rich and powerful, he shows you where to go to find the things he discusses in his book, and in this interview, which is VERY valuable information.

This is on YouTube (I don’t know if the Jimmy Dore Show is on alternative video platforms). But don’t worry. If it’s gone, there are probably thousands of copies of it on the internet now. But I want to link to Jimmy Dore’s channel since he provided the interview and is the original source.

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Posted on December 13, 2022

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