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The new traditional Catholic school offers boys an authentically masculine education

Help the Sant Andreu Academy in its first year: LifeFunder

“You see, we will continue in old age what we had at seventeen. When, very young, you had the taste [of perfection] what I’m talking about, you don’t lose it very easily.” – André Charlier (1895-1971)

(LifeSiteNews) — This September, twelve boys will embark on an adventure: an educational adventure.

These twelve young men will be the first freshman class at St. Andrew’s Academy, a new traditional Catholic boarding school for high school boys in rural northern Kentucky.

These young people are ready to give themselves generously to a way of life that will challenge them spiritually, intellectually and physically. As well as studying traditional subjects such as Latin, literature, history, music, religion and mathematics, they will also participate in the operation of a small farm and practice traditional trades such as carpentry, leather and blacksmithing .

They have welcomed the opportunity for some time away from electronic devices, social media and the toxic influences of popular culture to experience the deepest joy that comes from fulfilling the natural human desire to reflect, to wonder, to think , converse and develop friendship. all things that require time and attention, but things that bear much fruit. They will have the freedom to have an authentic experience of reality.

Socrates wrote that “Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” With that in mind, St. Andrew’s Academy offers an educational experience filled with things to inspire wonder: compelling academics, great music, friendship, thoughtful conversation, beautiful traditional liturgy, hard work, and a generous helping of adventure—a way of life to captivate and nurture the mind, heart and soul of a young person.

The academy seeks to cultivate a genuine, masculine love for the true, good, and beautiful in the hearts of its students, realizing, as John Senior writes, “the rich potential of their age, which is to know and love the Creator and the things he did with all his heart, strength and soul as boys.”

The old axiom, “a sound mind in a sound body” underlines the reality that man is an integral being and echoes the truth that grace builds in nature. Cardinal John Henry Newman wrote, “The heart is not ordinarily reached through reason but through imagination,” which St. Thomas Aquinas defines as the “storehouse of forms received through the senses.” A comprehensive education is one that addresses man as a whole, nourishing his mind, heart, body and soul.

St. Andrew’s way of life will provide boys with many powerful experiences of good, experiences that foster a well-formed imagination and give context and meaning to study. Studying the stars (under the stars), climbing mountains, singing sacred and popular music, memorizing poetry, camping under the stars, and witnessing the birth of a calf are examples of authentic experiences that draw the whole person to the truth.

Attending and serving regularly the traditional Latin Mass with their friends, beginning and ending each day with the singing of the Divine Office, and celebrating the main feasts with banquets, will offer the boys the opportunity to enter into the life of the Church, ‘understand, appreciate and love its beauty.

The Academy recognizes the importance of direct and regular contact with truth in its elemental, tangible form (and the profit and satisfaction that comes from good hard work) on the farm and in the workshop. Keeping and caring for plants and animals is something most men have done for most of time. These elemental and fundamentally human activities provide nourishment not only to the body but also to the mind and soul because they provide regular experience with reality, experiences that are a prerequisite for reflection and abstract thought.

Words, parables, allegories, metaphors—they all depend on some level of experience to make sense, and the more poignant the experience, the more meaningful they become. Agriculture brings us very close to realities like birth, life, death, seasons, patience and the satisfaction gained from good hard work. The work follows a natural rhythm and encourages attention to the mysteries and realities of nature. Working with animals and hummus (soil) helps us better understand our place between earth and heaven; it makes us humble, which is a big part of our salvation. An imagination formed by these rich experiences of reality provides a fertile soil for the growth of wisdom, and scholarly pursuits become fruitful when the heart has tasted the “sweetest freshness in the depths of things.”

Our school motto “Venite et Videte” is an invitation to young people to “Come and see”, to discover the “ever-present wonders of reality”, to realize, again, as John Senior states, “the rich potential of his age.” , which is to know and love the Creator and the things He made with all the heart, strength and soul of children.”

We have been given the use of a large building and property in rural Kentucky, and a small faculty of friends has rallied around our educational mission, many volunteering their time and working for very low wages. That said, establishing our trades and farm programs, purchasing textbooks, paying salaries, furnishing the building, and realizing our goal of accepting students from all economic backgrounds depends on the success of our fundraising efforts. background We have students coming in September and we still need to raise $200,000. In addition to making personal appeals and contacting potential donors, we launched a digital campaign LifeFunder.

We are looking for pioneering souls, fellow founders who recognize that, in many ways, the future of the Church, our country and our families depend on men firmly convinced of the truth, who understand, love and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the truth. good, true and beautiful. Would you be willing to support the foundation of the Academy of Sant Andreu?

Help the Sant Andreu Academy in its first year: LifeFunder


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