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The judge in Trump’s J6 case comes from a Marxist revolutionary bloodline

In a significant development that raises further questions about the impartiality of the judiciary, the judge overseeing Trump’s case on January 6 in the US Capitol comes from a family with deep Marxist connections.

While the mainstream media often deflects criticism of judges’ backgrounds, this particular judge’s ideological leanings may be too egregious to ignore. The revelation warrants concern as the Trump administration faces ongoing legal battles related to the Fedsurrection.

A family of Marxists

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Obama-appointed judge Tanya S. Chutkan is the granddaughter of Frank Hill, who was kicked out of the Jamaican People’s National Party for his communist views.

The judge’s family history reveals a number of connections with self-confessed Marxists. His grandfather was not only a follower of Marxist ideology, but was also associated with groups that advocated far-left agendas. This information leads to valid questions about whether the judge can truly separate his family background from his professional responsibilities.

Impartiality under scrutiny

The principle of impartiality is a cornerstone of the American judicial system. However, it becomes difficult to believe in the objectivity of a judge whose family has been so deeply involved in a political ideology that is fundamentally opposed to the principles of American freedom and democracy.

Red flag for justice?

The revelation about the judge’s family background is a major concern for anyone interested in a fair trial related to the events of January 6. As such, it becomes crucial to examine the judge’s previous rulings and statements to assess whether that background has influenced his legal decisions.


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The revelation about the judge’s Marxist lineage adds another layer of complexity to the already convoluted court proceedings on January 6. Since the mainstream media routinely dismisses questions about the impartiality of judges, it is the responsibility of concerned citizens to ensure that the American justice system remains impartial and true to its founding principles.

A little over a week ago, Matt Gaetz filed a motion to censure and convict US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan…

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