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The Furries clash, use a mech to assault a man filming them in public [VIDEO]

The Furries clash, use a mech to assault a man filming them in public [VIDEO]

At a recent Furry gathering in Huntington Beach, several members of the community showed their determination to “defend their privacy” as they confronted a man who was allegedly trying to discreetly film them. The encounter was on a public beach, so they should have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Not to mention, they’re dressed up, masked, and wearing at least one mega. All of this sure looks like they are looking for attention.

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“California’s principal recording statute (must Penal Code § 632.) states that it is a state of consent of two parties. In California, it is a crime to use any device to record communications, whether wired, oral, or electronic, without the consent of everyone involved in the communication. This means that in California you are not legally allowed to record a conversation you are involved in unless all parties agree. However, there are some exceptions, such as:

  • Public conversations with no expectation of privacy
  • Within government proceedings open to the public
  • Record certain crimes”

In accordance with Psychology today:

“Demographically, furry fandom is made up primarily of white males in their teens to mid-twenties. For the most part, they represent what you’d expect to find in a typical geek or nerd subculture: above-average academic achievement ( almost half are college students), an interest in computer science and science, and a passion for video games, science fiction, fantasy, and anime. Less typical, however, is the fandom’s LGBTQ demographic: Furries are seven times more likely than general population to identify as transgender and about five times more likely to identify as non-heterosexual. Given this makeup, it should come as no surprise that furry fandom is a community largely defined by its inclusivity. This fandom embraces the rules of being welcoming and not judging everyone.

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