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The Deep State Shut Down The World To Stop President Trump – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

The Deep State Shut Down The World To Stop President Trump – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

The Deep State Shut Down The World To Stop President Trump – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

The world was stunned when the COVID-19 pandemic took over every aspect of our lives. Governments around the world imposed strict lockdowns, forcing people to stay at home to avoid the virus’s spread. The global economy came to a standstill, and businesses shut down. The pandemic’s effects were immediate, but what was the real cause of it all? According to Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic, it was the Deep State that shut down the world to stop President Trump.

The Deep State is a term used to describe a collection of powerful individuals and organizations within the government who operate behind the scenes to manipulate national policy. Steve Bannon, a former advisor to President Trump, claims that the Deep State has been working to undermine the president since his election in 2016. According to Bannon, the pandemic was a carefully orchestrated plan to oust Trump from office.

Bannon explains that the Deep State controls the mainstream media and used it to create widespread fear and panic. He argues that the media’s constant coverage of the virus instilled fear in the American people, leading them to believe that the pandemic was much worse than it actually was.

Bannon also claims that the Deep State used the World Health Organization (WHO) to further their agenda. He alleges that the WHO conspired with the Chinese government to cover up the virus’s true origins and downplay its severity. By doing so, the WHO helped to create a global pandemic that could be used to justify lockdowns, business closures, and the suspension of civil liberties.

Bannon’s claims might sound like conspiracy theories, but they’re not entirely unfounded. The WHO has come under fire for its handling of the pandemic, and there have been accusations that it is too close to the Chinese government. Additionally, many people believe that the mainstream media has been sensationalizing the pandemic to drive up ratings.

Whether or not Bannon’s theories are true, there is no denying that the pandemic has had a profound impact on the world. Millions of people have been infected, and hundreds of thousands have died. The global economy is in shambles, and many businesses have closed for good. Most countries are still grappling with the pandemic’s aftermath, and there is no end in sight.

In conclusion, Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic is a provocative take on the COVID-19 pandemic. Bannon’s claims that the Deep State shut down the world to stop President Trump might be controversial, but they raise important questions about how the virus was handled. Regardless of the truth behind Bannon’s theories, the pandemic’s effects will last for many years to come, and the world will never be the same.

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