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The Biden regime’s climate bomb and dump scheme has been exposed

The Biden regime’s climate bomb and dump scheme has been exposed

On a recent visit to Philadelphia, Vice President Kamala Harris highlighted the importance of green initiatives, with electric buses at the forefront of the conversation. However, he conveniently left out of his speech the abrupt bankruptcy of America’s leading electric bus maker, Proterra.

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“Workers are building electric buses so people can get where they need to go.” – Kamala Harris

Once dubbed the “golden child” of the Biden-Harris regime, Proterra seemed to embody the future vision of an America free of diesel emissions. The promise was substantial, and so was the taxpayer funding that flowed into it. The shocking truth, however, is that a company that once had access to $8 billion has now collapsed. The pressing question remains: where did the money go?

“We need to be the biggest supplier of electric buses and vehicles in the world. You’re bringing us into the game, it’s going to make a big difference.” – Joe Biden

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Several key figures in the Democratic Party, including Vice President Harris herself, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden have publicly endorsed Proterra, touring its factories and promoting its vision. However, the company’s history paints a different picture. From buses spontaneously combusting in California, breaking down in Philadelphia, freezing batteries in the Alaskan cold to stalling in the hills of Minnesota, Proterra’s businesses were riddled with mistakes.

Despite these glaring operational problems, such as a year-long wait for replacement parts due to their rarity, one wonders why the Democratic leadership defended this company so fervently. Some claim it was a strategic “bomb and dump” scheme orchestrated by influential figures. Notably, former Vice President Al Gore had a multimillion-dollar investment in Proterra, actively championing it within regime circles. Similarly, anti-American globalist George Soros poured more than $20 million into the company. The ties run even deeper. Biden’s Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, was once on Proterra’s board, cashing in her shares for half a million dollars during her tenure. In addition, Proterra’s CEO was given a prominent position on a governing council, raising eyebrows about the company’s deep connections to the regime.

Insider reports have also emerged suggesting a premeditated stock dump by Proterra just before the bankruptcy announcement. Now the once-promising stock is trading at just 17 cents a share.

This situation echoes the Solyndra debacle of years past, where taxpayer dollars were funneled into a solar company that later collapsed. With Proterra’s controversial fall from grace, calls for a rigorous investigation by House Republicans are gaining momentum. It is imperative to ensure that taxpayer funds are not being wasted while political elites can benefit. The American public deserves transparency and accountability.

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