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The battle for the future of the monetary system is on: are you ready?

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The United States is getting closer to issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

What does it mean?

It means that the financial collapse of the economy is approaching, and this is the plan of the central banks to replace the current monetary system.

If you don’t know what CBDCs are and how they can be used for nefarious purposes to try to control every aspect of our lives, then it’s time to take note, because this is a train that has left the station and not it is Returning.

However, it is not a new monetary system that can be implemented overnight, but will have to be rolled out in stages, and these rollouts have already begun in many countries around the world.

As with anything in life, tyrants cannot control people without their consent. They fear the masses, because they are outnumbered. If there is mass resistance among the public, it can thwart his plans.

They will use fear as their main tool, and we have seen how powerful fear is, with the COVID-19 operation that began in 2020.

So here is a window of opportunity to wake up as many people as possible to resist the conversion to a new cashless society, where digital currencies issued by central banks will completely dominate our lives and remove any vestige of “privacy” .

I’m posting Jim Rickards’ latest article today to give us an update on where we are today with US CBDCs, and then a James Corbett video that was just released that goes into more depth about what CBDCs are, along with with sources of information on how to learn how to opt out of CBDCs.

Do NOT skip or fast-surf through this information, because I am not exaggerating when I say that your future, and the future of our society, depends on you understanding what is at stake here and how to resist it.

Warning shot fired!

for James Rickards
Daily accounts

Another warning shot across the bow just happened…

I warned my readers a few weeks ago about how the Federal Reserve, in cooperation with giant global banks, has launched a 12-week pilot project to test the message systems and payment processes of the new CBDC dollar.

A pilot project is not research and development. This is already done. The pilot means that what I call “Biden Bucks” are here, and backers just want to test the plumbing before rolling out the system to the entire population.

This project should be completed next month. In other words, Biden Bucks is getting closer and closer to becoming a reality for all of us. Now there’s another big development for you to keep up with…

This month, the Digital Dollar Project (DDP) released an updated version of its white paper called “Exploring a US CBDC.”

The project expanded the paper to examine central bank digital currency projects internationally, though its focus remains on the United States. Since its original white paper release in 2020, CBDC projects worldwide have grown from 35 to 114.

Here is a statement in the updated document:

this [is] It is imperative that the US government consider ways to maintain the use of the dollar in global digital payment systems and develop a strategy related to the use of alternative payment systems.

Pigs in the Digital Slaughterhouse

“Alternative payment systems” is simply a technical term for Biden Bucks, meaning to replace the dollar cash (“fiat”) we have now. What does this mean to you?

Let’s first consider the kind of freedom that physical cash gives you. Above all, cash is inevitable and anonymous. When you buy something with cash, there’s no way to track the purchase individually. In this sense, cash is like gold or silver. It doesn’t leave a fingerprint.

And that’s why the government wants to eliminate cash: with cash out of the way, it can track anything and everything.

By then the pigs (all of us) will be in the slaughterhouse ready for the digital slaughter of negative interest rates. All your money will be locked in the banking system. If you don’t want to spend your money, the government can punish you by imposing negative rates. He doesn’t want you to save your money.

And in a completely digital world, what would stop the government from having individualized interest rates for each citizen?

Biden Bucks would also allow for account freezing, tax withholding and outright forfeiture in some cases. After all, this is a government-approved digital wallet without any access to physical money as you know it now.

You are just a pawn

When the government has full control of your money, it opens the door to manipulating the economy by using you as a pawn and your assets as chess moves.

If they need to slow down the economy (as they are trying to do now with rising interest rates), they could freeze a certain percentage of your cash so you can’t spend it.

If they think the economy is too slow and needs a spending spree, they could punish people who are saving too much with a “spend it or lose it” policy. This is the reality behind negative interest rates.

It would make your money less of your own and under government control. We’re already seeing how many retailers don’t accept cash across America.

Another thing about physical cash: it’s not hackable.

Under Biden Bucks, all the data the government will have about every aspect of your life would be a hacker’s dream come true. Identity theft would become commonplace.

And forget privacy. That would be a thing of the past.

“Sorry, we really don’t want to do this to you, but we have no choice”

What happens when physical cash is removed from any payment transaction? Imagine this alarming possibility…

To further advance the climate change agenda, what if Joe Biden or his successor decided that gasoline needed to be rationed?

Your Biden Bucks could be made to stop working at the gas pump once you’ve bought a certain amount of gas in a week! They could justify it based on “national security concerns” or whatever, and that it’s something they just have to do.

They say, “We really have no choice. We have to!”

In other words, Biden Bucks would create new ways for the government to control how much of an item could be purchased, or even ban certain purchases. The government would keep score of every financial transaction you make.

In a world of Biden Bucks, the government will even know your physical whereabouts at the point of purchase. It’s a short step from putting yourself under FBI investigation if you vote for the wrong candidate, buy the “wrong” reading material, or donate to the wrong political party.

The slippery slope

They can deny that this is part of a grand plan to control the population, that it’s just a way to make the financial system more efficient. The rest is just a conspiracy theory that only fanatics believe. And they can mean it. They may not have bad intentions.

But history clearly shows that once the government acquires a specific power, it will eventually use it to the fullest extent possible. And when the corrupt run the government, they will use that power for political purposes, even if they didn’t originally propose it. The temptation is too strong.

If any of this sounds extreme, fantastic or far-fetched, well, it’s not. I simply invite you to see what is happening around the world.

China is already using its CBDC to deny travel, work and education opportunities to political dissidents. Canada seized the bank and crypto accounts of non-violent trucker protesters last year. Nigeria capped ATM cash withdrawals at $45 to promote digital payments.

Don’t think that other governments, including the US government, haven’t noticed. They have.

The simple fact is that “social credit scores” and political suppression will be even easier to accomplish when Biden Bucks are fully deployed in the US. With Biden Bucks, the government will be able to force you to comply with its agenda, like the climate. change the example I mentioned above.

Because if you don’t, your money could be turned off. But you can fight. How?

Get physical

First, I recommend keeping some physical cash at home or in a safe place. I wouldn’t recommend too much cash because there may come a time when cash is declared illegal and you have 60 days to hand over your cash for digital credit.

Handing over too much cash can get you added to a watch list from a tax or money laundering perspective, even though the money is yours and you obtained it legally.

Second, buy some gold. Gold is a non-digital, non-hackable, non-traceable form of money that you can still use.

Also, one-ounce silver American Eagles are the best form of money for day-to-day transactions.

These are ways to protect your freedom and your savings. The time to prepare is now, before it all comes.

Read the full article at Daily accounts

Deactivation of CBDCs

by James Corbett

In this CBDC Opt Out Challenge presentation, James explains what you need to know about the CBDC Control Grid and how we can begin our preparations to opt out.


Source: The Corbett Report.

See also:

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Posted on February 3, 2023

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