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Tennessee Republicans pass bills to protect children from genital mutilation claims confusion and drag shows

Tennessee Republicans pass bills to protect children from genital mutilation claims confusion and drag shows

Republicans have mounted a successful campaign against the cultural imperialism unleashed in the state of Tennessee, passing two bills to protect children from both drag shows and genital mutilation.

Senate Bill 3 is legislation intended to protect minors from “adult-oriented” performances, including those performed by men dressed as women, strippers, and exotic dancers, all of which are considered “harmful to minors.”

It passed the state House Thursday by a vote of 74 to 19. After a procedural vote in the Senate on changes made in the House, it will go to Gov. Bill Lee’s desk.

Lee indicated that he will also sign House Bill 1, a ban on giving puberty blockers that claim mental illness and genital mutilation to children, which also passed the House on Thursday.

Deviant adult entertainment is allowed, but only for adults

Senate Bill 3 was introduced on Jan. 10 and passed to the state House earlier this month. It was approved on a 74-19 vote Thursday and will return to the Senate for a procedural vote before final approval, the Tennessean reported.

The bill amends state law regarding adult performances, defining an “adult cabaret performance” as “a performance in a venue other than an adult cabaret that includes topless dancers, go- go, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators. providing entertainment that appeals to a lascivious interest, or similar entertainers, whether or not performed for a fee.”

As of the signing of the bill, it will be a crime for a person to participate in a cabaret show for adults on public property or in a place where the performance can be seen by minors.

Under the law, a first offense would constitute a class A misdemeanor. A second or subsequent offense would be a class E felony.

State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson (R), instrumental in the passage of both bills, said Senate Bill 3 “gives parents confidence that they can bring their children to a public or private show and that they will not be blinded by a sexualized performance.”

Leave these kids alone

HB 1 passed on a 26-6 vote along party lines on February 13 in the Senate and again in the House on February 23 on a 77-16 vote.

This bill replaces existing law that prohibits health professionals from prescribing treatment that includes harmful puberty blockers and hormones for “dysphoric or gender-incongruent prepubertal minors” and established more specific and sweeping prohibitions on female genital mutilation. youth in the state.

Majority Leader William Lamberth (R) said in House debates on the legislation, “These children don’t need these medical procedures to thrive as adults. . . . They need mental health treatment. They need love and support, and many of them. must be allowed to grow up to become the individuals they were meant to be.”

Lamberth also told WATE 6, “We’re not going to have, you know, some kind of quack doctor come into this state and start doing double mastectomies on kids who are suffering from body dysphoria.”

Upon ratification, the bill will prohibit health professionals, establishments and facilities from performing or offering to perform medical procedures, whether chemical or surgical in nature, that are intended to enable “a minor identifies with or lives as an assumed identity inconsistent with the immutable characteristics of the reproductive system that define the minor as male or female, as determined by anatomy and genetics existing at birth.”

In addition, it will no longer be permitted to provide medical procedures in an effort to remedy “alleged discomfort or distress due to a discrepancy between the child’s sex and claimed identity.”

In the event that a doctor or facility breaks the law and, in doing so, transmogrifies a minor, the victim will now be able to file a lawsuit against the responsible health care provider as well as their parents, if the parent of the minor have “consented to the conduct that constituted the violation on behalf of the minor.”

The bill further authorizes the attorney general “to bring an action against a health care provider who willfully violates this bill’s prohibitions on medical procedures, within 20 years of the violation, to require further violations, to surrender benefits received as a result of the medical procedure, and to recover a civil penalty of $25,000 per violation.”

Although the bill, if signed, will go into effect this summer, existing victims will have until March 2024 to leave treatment.

A spokesman for the governor told Fox News Digital Friday that Lee “appreciates the work of Leader Johnson and Leader Lamberth to protect children and intends to sign the bill when it reaches his desk.”

Lee previously noted that he was “grateful to the leadership in both houses who have worked to protect children along these lines.”

LGBT activists have vowed to fight the legislation so that future generations of children have the chance to one day regret their irreversible mutilations.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee wrote in a statement Thursday that the ACLU and Lambda Legal “have pledged to Tennessee’s transgender youth and their families that they will take immediate legal action against the proposed restrictions on their health care if adhere to the law.”

ACLU Tennessee Staff Attorney Lucas Cameron-Vaughn said, “Gender-affirming health care for trans youth is safe, necessary, effective, and often life-saving. Lawmakers are risking the health, well-being, and safety of trans youth with this dangerous legislation. We urge Governor Lee to veto this overreaching and discriminatory bill, or we will see it in court.”

The Tennessee Democratic Party has condemned both bills and indicated it will ask Lee to veto them.

u201c Both the anti-trans health care bill and the drag ban passed the House today. We fully condemn both bills and their passage u2014 now heads to @GovBillLee’s desk where we urge him to veto them.nnThe @TNGOP’s approach to disenfranchising the most vulnerable among us is vile. u201d

— Tennessee Democratic Party (@TennesseeDemocraticParty) 1677190394

Johnson noted on Twitter: “Once again, Tennessee leads the nation. We are committed to ensuring Tennessee is the safest place to raise your family. This is a huge win for our state and we will continue to work to keep our children safe .”

u201cWe’re back in full swing here in the Tennessee General Assembly u2013 check back here in a week or so for another update on what’s happening in your state capitol.u201d

— Jack Johnson (@JackJohnson) 1676664439

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