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Swiss banker files criminal charges against Swiss government related to Pfizer’s COVID ‘vaccine’

Pascal Najadi

for Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The story we published yesterday about Thailand’s princess remaining in a coma after allegedly taking a third dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 “vaccine” comes from a longer interview between Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Pascal Najadi, a retired banker of Persian origin. who lives in Switzerland.

Pascal Najadi recently filed criminal charges against Swiss President Alain Berset for:

Art. 312 of the Swiss Penal Code for Abuse of Office related to his propagated efficiency of the Covid mRNA vaccine, contradicting the conclusions of Dr. Virginie Masserey, publicly stated on August 3, 2021 that vaccinated people can transmit the Coronavirus as easily as unvaccinated people. (Source.)

Yesterday I did not have time to watch the full 46 minute interview between Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Pascal Najadi and included it in yesterday’s story, so today I’m updating this story with the full interview, since I don’t like recommending that our readers watch videos that I haven’t seen yet.

This is an excellent interview and well worth watching.

Here’s the full interview:

Pascal Najadi is a retired Swiss investment banker, filmmaker, author and son of Hussain Najadi, the founder of AmBank Group in Malaysia, who was assassinated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2013.

Hussain Najadi co-founded what is now the World Economic Forum (WEF) together with Klaus Schwab in the mid-1970s, and it was originally called the “European Management Forum” (EMF).

However, it appears that Hussain Najadi became disillusioned with Klaus Schwab in the early 1980s and left the EMF.

Here is a clip from a longer interview between Pascal Najadi and a Japanese journalist from Okinawa where Pascal talks about his father and his relationship with Klaus Schwab. Pascal Najadi sees the 2030 Agenda as a major threat to democracy and national sovereignty.

I know this developing story about Thailand and Switzerland is going viral and getting a lot of attention right now, and rightfully so.

However, waiting for justice to be served against Pfizer or political leaders is probably premature, and I disagree with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi’s statement in the longer 46-minute interview above, where he states that these criminal charges against Pfizer will be brought in the USA too, and that they will “lose”.

As I’ve written before, this is NOT possible unless we first clean up the corruption in the US judiciary, because in its current state, there is ZERO chance that any judge in any US court will take on Pfizer and the criminal pharmaceutical drug. poster, because they literally own the judicial system, which works for them, and not the people. I will see:

Justice for Sale: Why the Criminals Who Run America Will Continue to Operate Until the Corrupt Judicial System Is Replaced

And while there may be some lower-level government officials in Thailand eager to take action against Pfizer, the royal family itself is part of the global criminal network, with even Princess Bajrakitiyabha being employed as a spokesperson of the United Nations.

But now we are on the right track with all of this, as exposing the criminals and their evil deeds is the first necessary part of awakening the world’s population and starting the resistance movement against their agenda.

And this is what they fear the most…

Therefore, do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that is not revealed; and hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and whatever you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim it on the housetops. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Words of Jesus in Matthew 10:26-28)

See also:

Understand the times we are currently living in

How to determine if you are a disciple of Jesus Christ or not

Synagogue of Satan: Why It’s Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church

Has everyone left you because you’re not ashamed to tell the truth? Stay the course!

When the World is Against You: God’s Power to Intervene for Those Who Resist

An idolatrous nation celebrates “freedom” even though they are slaves to the pharmaceutical cult

What happens when a holy and just God gets angry? Lessons from history and the prophet Jeremiah

The most important truth about the arrival of the “new world order” Almost no one disputes it

Insider exposes Freemasonry as the world’s oldest secret religion and Luciferian plans for the new world order

Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order: Who Are the “Jews”?

Posted on February 5, 2023

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