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Stefanik vows to subpoena Andrew Cuomo over nursing home scandal

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) vowed Monday to subpoena former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for his role in the nursing home scandal during the pandemic if Republicans win back the House majority in November .

At a “Justice for Victims” news conference in Rensselaer County, Stefanik announced that House Republicans intend to investigate Cuomo’s involvement in the cover-up of the nursing home deaths and the total number of ‘these deaths as part of House Republicans’ “Pledge to America.”

“There has to be accountability. And there has to be transparency and answers,” she said of Governor Cuomo’s “fatal executive order” that “failed to meet CMS guidelines” and “forced nursing home patients to “Covid-positive grandparents to enter nursing homes in this state”.

Stefanik, the third-ranking Republican in the House, said Democrats in New York state and Washington, DC, have been curiously uninterested in investigating the deaths.

“Not a single Democratic member of Congress has focused on this important issue that has resulted in the loss of 15,000 seniors in New York State. House Republicans will,” Stefanik said. “So while all the Democrats in Albany have refused to conduct a full-scale investigation, while the Democrats in Washington have refused to conduct a full-scale investigation, the Republicans in Chamber will do it.”

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