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Stand Up Against Pornography In School – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

Stand Up Against Pornography In School – Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

On a recent episode of “Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic”, guest Jacqueline Battalora spoke about the harmful effects of pornography in schools.

Battalora, a former Chicago police officer and current professor of sociology and criminal justice, pointed out that many children are being exposed to pornography at a younger age than ever before, thanks to technology like smartphones and the internet.

This exposure to pornography can lead to a range of negative consequences, including addiction, distorted views of sex and relationships, and even violent behavior.

Battalora suggests that schools have a responsibility to address this issue by educating students about the dangers of pornography and providing resources for students and adults alike to combat its influence.

She also suggests that parents and other concerned individuals should speak out and take action to demand change.

It’s time to stand up against the harmful effects of pornography in schools and ensure that our children are able to grow up in a safe and healthy learning environment.

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