Above, a Mexican ad for L’Oreal shot in Paris features white Spanish-speaking actresses.
A recent VDARE.COM article from Carl Horowitz—Black people can sell anything: TV commercials as a career replacement— spoke of the overwhelming preponderance of black actors in commercials on American television, a lot bigger than the black proportion of the US population. This goes hand in hand with media bias against the white regime and omens the US government’s deliberate demographic transformation of the country through immigration policy. But, in dramatic contrast, Mexican ads still show a marked preference for whites (cf. Latin American Beauty Queens), although whites are a clear minority in Mexico, possibly as much as nine percent. And no one in Mexico works there Choose a new town anyways.
Horowitz captured what’s happening in America with a quote from advertising consultant Daren Poole: “Instead of being a mirror of society, advertising has the ability to shape it.”
This propaganda has been going on for a long time. In 2002, VDARE.com received a letter from a teacher in the Czech Republic, who shared with us that his students believe that the black population of the United States is much larger than it actually is. The teacher would ask his classes what proportion of the American population was black, and he would get answers ranging from 20% to a high of 60%, with an average of about 35%. His explanation:
In my opinion, America’s entertainment media’s incessant presentation of black people in disproportionate numbers, com lawyers, doctors, high government officials i detectives chasing white violent criminals, as seen on Czech TV, of course, all dubbed, eventually biases even intelligent minds.
Our Czech correspondent closed his letter with this pertinent observation:
The influence of all the widespread sustained propaganda should not be underestimated, as many in this country who have lived through 40 years of communism can testify.
“Communism”: there is that word again!
Regardless, in Mexico, whites are still seen as an aesthetic ideal. Of course, there are US-based professional Hispanics eager to say so gringo What leftists want to hear:
In recent years, the advertising industry has witnessed a much-needed shift towards embracing diversity and representation. Latin America, a region rich in cultural heritage and diversity, is no exception. Brands are realizing the importance of showing “real people” to better connect with their target audience. In doing so, they not only enhance their brand image but also promote inclusion and equality.
[Bridging Cultures, Shaping Narratives: Embracing Diversity And Representation In Latin American Advertising, by Salvador Ordorica, Forbes, July 20, 2023]
Specifically regarding Mexico, Ordorica had this to say:
Before 2020, I saw many ads in Mexico that featured predominantly white models, which did not accurately represent the majority of Mexicans, known as “morenos”. [dark], who have a variety of skin tones. This lack of representation again can create a sense of exclusion and contribute to the perpetuation of colorism.
“Before 2020”? But a recent survey of Mexican advertising I conducted indicates that not much has changed. And I doubt there is that much pressure in Mexico (where I he lived many years-my the woman is mexican) to change it anyway.
Because of the way where Mexico was established 500 years agothe country’s population is a spectrum, with whites at one end, Indians at the other, with the majority of the population composed of mestizos., which derive from both Indian and European ancestors.
Most Mexicans are mestizos. However, this does not mean that race is not important. Mexico is one racially stratified society, a fact that many Mexicans have denied, but that it is finally get more publicity.
For much of Mexico’s modern history, many denied that racism existed in the country.
But a growing social movement is challenging that thinking, bringing discussions about discrimination based on skin color to the fore. https://t.co/IDrcTU5OVK
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) October 20, 2022
There are exceptions, but the higher up the socioeconomic scale the whiter Mexicans are; the lower it goes the darker the Mexicans are.
And traditional European standards of beauty are still ascendant. This is Miss Mexico 2010, who won Miss Universe:
In order to assess the current state of Mexican advertising, I viewed several hundred commercials produced this year, 2023, that aired in the central Mexican city of town from January to July. If you want to see the ads themselves, here they are: January, February, March, April, may, june, july.
As I watched the ads, I quickly noted the advertised product and the racial breakdown of the people in the ad.
My definition of white was very simple: do they look white? Do they look like people of European descent? Sure, white people may have some non-white ancestry, but they’re still mostly European.
My conclusion after watching all these ads: Mexican ads are still dominated by actors of European origin. I saw more whites than mestizos, and I saw more mestizos than any other race.
Some examples:
- An ad for Tecate beer shows a large group of white people marching down a street and singing.
Last year Tecate featured Bruce Willis in one of its commercials (with five Mexican white beer drinkers), in which he said “Fria” (cold).
- Some ads show a variety of skin tones from white to mixed in the same ad.
- However, there were very few recognizable Mexican Indians in the ads, certainly less than their percentage of the population. In 2015, INEGI—Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (Mexico’s National Institute of Statistics and Geography and Information Technology) conducted an “intercensal survey” that asked participants if they were Indians In this survey, 21.5% (25,694,928) identified as indigenous [Principales resultados de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015 Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Principal Results of the 2015 Mexican Intercensal Survey), INEGI, 2015, page 72].
- what about black people In the aforementioned 2015 intercensal survey, 1.2% of the population (1,381,853) identified as afrodescendant (Afro-descendant); another estimate puts it up to 5% [Principales resultados de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015 Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Principal Results of the 2015 Mexican Intercensal Survey), INEGI, 2015, page 77]. However, I saw very few black people, and one of the videos where I saw a black person was, I suspect, from the United States.
So most of the actors I saw in Mexican commercials were of European descent, followed by mestizos, with very few Indians and even fewer blacks.
Wouldn’t American racial agitators have a heyday in Mexico?
In Mexico, governments and government agencies run their own ads, supported by the public budget, to advertise the great things they are doing. These government ads generally seemed to have a higher percentage of darker-skinned Mexicans, usually non-actors.
Does this imply that only white people care about gender equality and sexual harassment? Or that lectures should only be given to whites and not to non-whites? See Peter Brimelow’s Are hispanics sadistic? Tormenting a “hot girl”.
Or am I overthinking it?
Another interesting tidbit: Every time I saw a doctor or health professional portrayed, in commercials Alleviax, L’Oréal, Oral B, Dolo-Neurobioni Alli-Triple below: he or she was white.
Can you imagine this in the US?
Another detail. Beauty product ads overwhelmingly featured white women, like this one this L’Oréal commercial filmed in Paris. (L’Oreal is a French company, but the models speak Spanish.)
See more beauty product ads here, here, here, herei here.
The most entertaining ad I saw was The Great Escape (The Great Escape), released in June 2023.
It was a Sabritas commercial, which has already cornered more than 80% of the Mexican potato chip market.
The Great Escape features none other than Shakira, a Colombian pop star of Lebanese/Spanish origin. The ad was shot in BarcelonaSpain, designed for a Mexican audience [Shakira’s exciting commercial for Sabritas and Lay’s, ESlogan magazine, June 22, 2023].
Spoiler alert, in case you haven’t seen the video yet: Tired of the pressures of stardom, Shakira eats Sabritas fries and goes wild, escapes in a caravan, speeds through Barcelona, barely missing get hit by a train and reach the Mediterranean where she can eat her Sabritas in peace.
All principals are white: Shakira herself, her female agent, the guy with the megaphone, the two lawyer types in the show that follow her in a car, the reporter and the anchor are all white.
But why can’t the ads be funny and non-PC like the American ads of the 1970s?
My conclusion: Mexican advertising is a dynamic business that produces entertainment ads designed to sell products. Most of the actors in Mexican commercials are Euro-Mexican and secondarily mestizo, perhaps because that’s where most of the consumer’s money is. But Mexicans don’t seem to care.
Over time, more Indians and Afro-Mexicans will probably be included in the ads, and that’s okay. It should be a gradual process and not a revolutionary transformation.
But Mexico’s advertising industry has not been taken over by fanatics. At least not yet.
American citizen Allan Wall (e-mail he) moved back to the US a 2008 after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is from Mexico and is now a US citizen, their two children are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. Seve VDARE.COM articles are archived here; his Border Hawk blog archive is heretheir website is here.