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Snitty Swalwell Says Democrats Will 'Go Around the Speaker' to Increase Runaway National Debt Suffice it to say that California Democrat Congressman E…

Snitty Swalwell Says Democrats Will 'Go Around the Speaker' to Increase Runaway National Debt Suffice it to say that California Democrat Congressman E…

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) recently caused a stir in Washington when he suggested that Democrats should “go around the Speaker” to increase the national debt. The statement was made during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”, and it has been met with both criticism and praise from both sides of the aisle.

Swalwell’s comments come at a time when the national debt is rapidly increasing, and when the Trump administration is pushing for tax cuts and other measures that could add to the debt. Swalwell believes that the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, is not doing enough to address the issue, and that Democrats should take matters into their own hands.

Swalwell’s comments have been met with criticism from some Republicans, who argue that it is irresponsible to increase the national debt without a plan to pay it off. They also argue that Democrats are attempting to undermine the Speaker’s authority.

However, some Democrats have praised Swalwell’s comments, arguing that the Speaker is not doing enough to address the issue. They argue that Democrats should take a more proactive approach to tackling the national debt. They also point out that the current tax system is unfair and that the wealthy are not paying their fair share.

Swalwell’s comments have sparked a debate about how best to address the national debt. While some argue that the Speaker should be allowed to lead on the issue, others believe that Democrats should take a more active role in finding a solution.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen how this debate will play out. It is clear, however, that Swalwell’s comments have opened up a new line of dialogue about how to address the runaway national debt.

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