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Second Hunter Biden Whistleblower Emerges, Claims Retaliation

Second Hunter Biden Whistleblower Emerges, Claims Retaliation

The Biden administration’s corruption is increasingly being exposed, with a second whistleblower coming forward and alleging retaliation over concerns he raised about the Department of Justice’s leadership and the Hunter Biden investigation. This whistleblower, from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), has alleged that he was removed from his duties for doing the “right thing.”

In May 2023, approximately five years into his work on the Hunter Biden investigation, the whistleblower wrote an email to seven senior IRS officials, including Commissioner Daniel Werfel, stating that he believes he was removed for doing the “right thing,” including raising internal alarms about the Justice Department “acting inappropriately.” In response, the IRS leadership quickly responded “with accusations of criminal conduct and warnings to other agents in an apparent attempt to intimidate into silence anyone who might raise similar concerns.”

The initial claims of wrongdoing were first raised by Hunter Biden himself in 2020, immediately after his father won the White House. Joe Biden has repeatedly stood by his son and even claimed earlier this month that “My son has done nothing wrong.” However, the emergence of this second whistleblower and their allegations of retaliation for raising concerns about the investigation into Hunter Biden has increased the urgency for a thorough investigation to take place.

The IRS whistleblower’s case agent, one of the agents he supervises, sent an email on Thursday raising concerns about the Hunter Biden investigation. The lawyers for the whistleblower claim that the IRS leadership must refrain from “intimidating,” so as not to “chill the disclosures of other IRS whistleblowers who may wish to come forward.”

This case has a significant human impact, as the whistleblower noted in his email to IRS officials. The whistleblower has spent thousands of hours on the investigation and has sacrificed sleep, vacations, and even their personal life. As a result, they were publicly outed and ridiculed on social media due to their sexual orientation.

These allegations are the latest claims of wrongdoing concerning how the federal government is handling the allegations of possible tax fraud that Hunter Biden has been accused of committing. The ongoing scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s financial dealings continues to cast a long shadow over President Joe Biden’s administration.

Recent reports suggest that the Hunter Biden investigation has taken an unexpected turn, with the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, which was running the case since 2018, turning it over to the Justice Department’s tax division. The move followed a dispute between the Delaware office and the DOJ over “how to proceed with the investigation.” It is unclear what the next steps will be for the investigation now that it has been taken over by the tax division.

The Biden administration has been dogged by allegations of corruption and nepotism since Joe Biden entered the White House. Many believe that Hunter Biden’s business dealings in foreign countries have had an undue influence on United States foreign policy, with Hunter Biden being seen as a conduit for foreign entities to exert their influence over his father’s administration.

Recently, emails have emerged that suggest that Hunter Biden pursued lucrative business opportunities in China and elsewhere, leveraging his family’s power and influence to secure deals that would be impossible for anyone else to obtain. These revelations have led to calls for further investigations into Hunter Biden’s business dealings, with many concerned that his actions may have had a negative impact on national security.

There are also concerns that Hunter Biden’s financial arrangements may have breached United States tax laws. The IRS is reportedly investigating whether Hunter Biden paid the appropriate taxes on the vast sums of money he received from foreign entities.

Given the seriousness of these allegations, it is vital that a full and thorough investigation takes place into Hunter Biden’s business dealings and the role that Joe Biden may have played in them. The current allegations of retaliation against the IRS whistleblower raise serious concerns about whether the Biden administration is hiding something from the public.

The American people deserve to know the truth about whether Hunter Biden was involved in any wrongdoing. If he has broken the law, he must be held accountable for his actions, regardless of his father’s position in government.

Similarly, if the Biden administration has retaliated against whistleblowers who have raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s involvement in any wrongdoing, they must be held accountable for their actions. The integrity of the United States government must be upheld, and no one should be above the law.

The ongoing scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s business dealings and the allegations of corruption that have been leveled against the Biden administration have shaken the United States’ faith in its institutions. However, investigations into these allegations can help rebuild that faith and ensure that justice is done. The American people deserve no less.

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