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San Francisco Walgreens Robbed Three Times in 30 Minutes on Air During CNN Segment


In a couldn’t-go-better-if-planned moment, a Walgreens store was robbed three times as CNN shot a live segment on — you guessed it — rampant crime.


The store is located in a San Francisco suburb adjacent to Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) district. Area residents blame local government officials — including the last two mayors — for the spike in crime.


Soft on crime, pro-homeless and drug activity, and sanctuary city policies have contributed to rampant crime and many large retailers moving out of the area.


CNN’s Kyung Lah was reporting at the Richmond, California, Walgreens when the latest crimes occurred.

Noting that a man left the store without paying, Lah commented: “Did that guy pay?”

A cashier affirmed that he had not.

Lah later noted she witnessed two other robberies in the less than 30 minutes she spent at the store.


Lah reported: “Walgreens says this Richmond neighborhood store, with aisles of products like mustard locked behind plexiglass, has the highest theft rate of all their nearly 9,000 U.S. stores.”

She continued, saying that it is “hit more than a dozen times a day when thieves turned to clean out ice cream and frozen burritos, workers grew so frustrated, they resorted to the chains.”


Referring to the long lengths of chains and padlocks set up in the frozen food section, Lah said, “They were ordered down by corporate because of the negative messaging.”


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