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San Francisco politicians are surprised by the outrage in the city that its $5 million per black person reparations plan is generating. – The Donald – America First

San Francisco politicians are surprised by the outrage in the city that its  million per black person reparations plan is generating.  – The Donald – America First

black privilege:

It’s a privilege to have your own national anthem.

It’s a privilege to have your own “history month”

Privilege is wearing $300 sneakers when the only job you’ve ever had is selling drugs.

Privilege is having a smartphone with a data plan that you don’t get billed for

It is a privilege to live in protected public housing where you do not have a utility bill.

Privilege is having free health insurance for you and your family, paid for by working people who can’t afford health insurance for their families.

It is a privilege to have several national organizations promoting and protecting your breed subsidized by federal tax dollars.

Privilege is having access to a national college fund that only supports your race.

It’s privilege to have a television station that only supports your race.

Privilege is the ability to walk out and protest anything that triggers you, without worrying about getting called to work and the consequences that come with that act.

Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and being able to send them to daycare or school that you don’t pay for.

The privilege is being heavily favored for a job opening at a company, even when the personal qualifications are inferior to those of other applicants.

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