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Sad day for America as Putin condemns US for persecuting ‘political opponents’ like Trump…

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The international community is watching the current events unfolding in the United States with a deep sense of shock and fear. Among other things, we have a “dementia patient” pretending to be the country’s government, who just wants to go home and take a nap…

However, we are currently witnessing the American globalist regime go completely and utterly rogue. What we have is a faltering political party, resorting to every dirty strategy in the Marxist playbook to cling to power. Could you ever imagine a situation where a former president of the United States, and the frontrunner in the 2024 race, would be arrested by his own government? This is the stark reality we face today. The one-party regime is so desperate to hold on to power that they have thrown caution to the wind, pulling back the curtain and revealing their true colors for the world to see.

Say what you will about Vladimir Putin, but his statements in this context are simply undeniable. America has lost its moral high ground to lecture or criticize anyone, especially given how President Trump is dealing, actions that reek of “banana republic” tactics, and the world is well aware of it. Our leadership and influence have been significantly eroded as the globalists strive to hold on to power.

The US has lost its way. We can no longer claim to be the defenders of “freedom and democracy” that we have long represented ourselves to be. As it stands, most Americans believe our elections are rigged, our media is propaganda, and our Justice Department is weaponized for political means. Putin is right: we have lost our status as a “shining city on a hill”, where truth and justice reign. We’ve shown that, underneath the facade, we’re not so different from Russia, China or North Korea, and now the whole world knows it. Sad.



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