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Rolling Stone reports that Sidney Powell will be arrested soon

Voter fraud activist Sidney Powell is expected to face criminal charges in the very near future. Allies of the former president have reportedly been blaming him for allegedly trying to steal the election in interviews with special counsel Jack Smith’s investigators.

Friday, rolling stone dropped the bombshell, revealing that special counsel Hack Jack Smith will soon “criminally indict” election lawyer Sidney Powell for pushing Trump’s so-called big lie to help Trump try to “steal” Biden’s victory.

Because of course everyone believes that 81 million people voted for Joe Biden.

Sidney Powell
It looks bad

Rolling Stone reports that “four sources with knowledge of the matter, several witnesses and Trump allies who have appeared before the special counsel” agree that “Powell should now prepare for Smith to press criminal charges.”

Rolling Stone says Jack Smith’s investigators recently met with Bernie Kerik, a longtime Rudy Giuliani associate and Trump ally who worked on the Giuliani-led legal team to challenge Trump’s 2020 defeat . Kerik’s lawyer allegedly says that “based on the content of his questions and my understanding of criminal law, the main individual that was discussed” and possibly incriminated by Mr. Kerik “would be Sidney.”

Kerik’s attorney added that Kerik told investigators “there was no backup for anything he said. When he was asked to provide evidence, he produced nothing.”

His attorney also said Kerik used the word “lunatic” several times to describe Powell during the interview.

Rolling Stone reports that “prosecutors have taken a particular and keen interest in Powell’s work and conduct in recent days and weeks” and that “several witnesses have been asked what they thought of Powell as a person, as well as the his actions during those years… President Trump’s months-long crusade to supposedly cling to power.

“Witnesses were asked whether Powell ever showed them any actual evidence of her outlandish claims about a voter fraud conspiracy, and whether Powell herself privately expressed any sign of doubt about any of the theories.”

Rolling Stone says a source who has recently been in the room with federal investigators put it succinctly: “Sidney’s f****d.”

[Her Kraken didn’t include evidence. She also told people in Georgia not to vote in the senatorial race. She has a lot of common sense and was right on so many things as we later learned.]


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