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Revisiting the never-ending list of why Nikki Haley would suck as president – Revolver News

Revisiting the never-ending list of why Nikki Haley would suck as president – Revolver News

For some reason, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was a speaker at the Republican convention on Monday night.

No one is fooled by the unified front presented by Haley’s appearance. Haley was not at the RNC to signal her support for the populist agenda that Donald Trump developed in 2016, and should continue in 2020. She was there to advance her own ambitions, through a superficial association with Trump administration. These ambitions must be checked now. Allowing Nikki Haley to become leader of the Republican Party would be a return to Bush-era conservatism, defined by idiotic foreign adventures, empowering anti-American mega-corporations, and endless capitulation to the left’s inverted moral agenda. And to a large extent, we would still be led by a sleazy politician with a dirty personal life.

Let’s be clear. Haley does not support Trump or his agenda. If he did, he wouldn’t have compared Trump to mass murderer Dylann Roof in 2016:

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley hit back at her party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump, on Thursday, saying it’s rhetoric like his that led Dylann Roof to kill nine black members of Emanuel Church Charleston AME last year.

Haley told reporters Thursday that she has been critical of Trump because “I know what that rhetoric can do. I saw it happen,” the Associated Press reports.

Trump, as a major party presidential candidate, has a responsibility to use a more civil and respectful tone, he said.


Haley sure has come a long way, baby! From saying that Donald Trump’s speeches would cause mass murder, to delivering a speech that drives his re-election. But the conservatives don’t have to win. Haley has supporters, powerful advocates, and for some reason, she never seems to go away. It’s not because Haley is a great leader, a political visionary, or a populist. Instead, it’s because he’s the Republican old guard’s favorite choice to get “their party” back and keep making the same mistakes of the past.

Here are some of the countless reasons why you should never set foot in DC again.

1. Haley is a neocon relic of the Bush era.

It took an iconoclast like Donald Trump in 2016 to say what should have been obvious ten years earlier: America’s fetish for invading foreign countries has been catastrophic for our national well-being. The Iraq War was a $2 trillion waste that accomplished none of its long-term goals. The Afghan war has continued for 19 years despite having no clear objective. These two catastrophic wars are the single greatest indictment of Nikki Haley and the forces that support her, and the only way to remove this taint from the party is to follow President Trump’s example and oppose starting new wars .

But Nikki Haley can’t even get that part right.

As UN ambassador, Haley fueled the conflict with Iran, declaring that it was essential to support Saudi Arabia’s war effort in Yemen because “the fight against Iranian aggression is the fight of world”. Well, no, Nikki, it’s not. It is, at best, the struggle of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The only threat Iran poses to US security interests is the potential risk that we will permanently lose our superpower status by fighting them in a ridiculous and unnecessary war.

Haley wasn’t striking a hawkish pose just because her administration job required it. After leaving office in 2019, he fully bought into the hysterical propaganda that the US needed troops in Syria indefinitely, or if Turkey, a US ally, would commit genocide.

Oh no! Our Kurdish allies may not have our backs! What will America do then? Presumably, Haley fears that without Kurdish support, America will lose the war with Russia that it seems determined to provoke.

“Russia will never be our friend,” Haley said at an event last October. “We can never trust Russia under any circumstances.”

Haley’s militant attitude immediately won her praise from war profiteers after she left the Trump administration. One of his first stops after leaving was a seat on the board of Boeing, a major defense contractor.

2. Haley is tough on Tehran, but soft on technology

Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Russia pose virtually no direct risk to Americans’ basic liberties, at least as long as Washington can avoid its absurd impulse to ignite conflicts with them. When it comes to the rights of Americans, technology monopolies and global corporate power pose a far greater threat. But while Haley may be angry at the idea of ​​drones on the Houthis in Yemen, she is much more passive when it comes to taking on Google or Twitter. Just two months ago, Haley aggressively attacked any idea of ​​curbing the power of tech monopolists to strip Americans of their rights.

In other words, shame! If big tech wants to take down doctors’ anti-block videos, or censor the president, or cut off ads on conservative sites, or just act like the censorious Orwellian tyrants they are, Nikki Haley has decided there’s nothing to do . She’s a conservative, you see, and being a conservative means standing on principle while destroying everything worth preserving.

3. Haley has a weak character, pandering to the mob and bowing to political correctness.

In recent weeks, Haley has tried to criticize the “cancellation culture,” but history shows that when the pressure is on, Haley gives in to the left’s demands and reinforces their narratives.

In late May, just as rioters across the country began their work of “peacefully protesting” American cities in a heap of ashes, Haley took to Twitter to explain how drug overdose death of a career criminal was to be “personal and painful” for the 330 million Americans.

Nikki got her wish, to say the least. The death of George Floyd has been very painful for almost everyone except a few nihilistic, predatory, opportunist extremists on the left. Everyone else has a burnt country and politically motivated racial hatred.

It’s easily forgotten now, but Nikki Haley played a direct role in starting the Maoist hellworld that is American public life in 2020. After the Charleston church shooting in 2015, Haley immediately capitulated to demands that the Confederate flag be removed from the grounds. of the capital of South Carolina. Before the shooting and the resulting backlash, Haley had supported the flag.

It doesn’t matter if you are in favor of flying the flag, or if you are against it. What matters is that one’s position should be based on sound principles, and not just pandering to the crowd. The idea that the Confederate battle flag had anything to do with the Charleston shooting was ludicrous, and a braver politician would have said so. But Haley isn’t brave, and she didn’t say so. The flag came down and the precedent was immediately set. Now, violent mobs of savages are tearing down statues across America, and as anyone might have predicted, they haven’t stopped with the Confederates.

4. Haley’s alleged moral weakness is legendary.

Much has been written about the morally corrosive effect that Donald Trump has allegedly had on American politics. Complaining about Trump’s tone or personal morality has always been a weak ploy, used by a ruling class whose corruption exceeds all moral bounds and who must use personal attacks to deflect from their own incompetence . Consequently, one would assume that the standard bearer of the Republican establishment would be a beacon of moral rectitude in an increasingly fallen world.

We don’t endorse such a cynical, Potemkinian view of morality, but for the sake of argument, how does Nikki measure up on this front? Well, he has completely swept the credible allegations of extramarital affairs right under the rug:

In an affidavit released this afternoon by Will Folks of FITSNews, controversial blogger and spokesman for Gov. Mark Sanford offers new details about his claims that he had an “inappropriate physical relationship” with GOP gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley.

According to the affidavit, Haley and Folks “shared [their] first kiss while sitting in her parked car outside MacDougal’s” restaurant and bar in Columbia. The kiss took place in 2007.

After the kiss, the couple allegedly drove to a “parking lot behind the neighborhood center at Emily Douglas Park, where [they] parked for about 45 minutes. There we slid the seats out of his Cadillac SUV so that Rep. Haley could climb into me.”

The people also claim that after that first encounter, he saw Haley numerous times during the spring of 2007, with most of the encounters taking place at her downtown Columbia apartment. It also states that other “romantic encounters occurred in his SUV (including one in the SC Policy Council parking lot) and in his Statehouse office.”

According to the affidavit, Folks alleges that he and Rep. Haley also went out in public several times and that the couple’s relationship was known to a friend.

The FITSNews blogger says the relationship with Haley ended in June 2007. Folks’ previously released phone records show he and Haley spoke 17 times between June 2 and August 30. Folks received an incoming call on August 25 at 2:24 am and lasted 146 minutes. Most of the other calls were made after 10pm. The eleven lasted more than an hourwith an August 7 call of 180 minutes.

[Charleston City Paper]

Accusing people was not the only issue in Haley’s life. South Carolina lobbyist Larry Marchant says he and Haley had a one-night stand in Salt Lake City in 2008. Marchant’s allegation can’t be confirmed, but it ultimately didn’t benefit him. In fact, it was hugely detrimental to both his personal and professional life. Marchant’s wife filed for divorce in 2013, naming Haley as one of three “other wives.” Meanwhile, Marchant was fired as BlueCross BlueShield’s representative in South Carolina, and his once-thriving lobbying operation collapsed.

So this is Nikki Haley, the woman who wants to be the Republican Party’s 2024 nominee.

Two things are clear: First, he’ll do whatever it takes to get that nomination. Second, conservatives should do whatever it takes to stop it.

The American people deserve a successor to Trump who puts the American people and American interests first, not a stage-management sham who represents the interests of Big Tech and the military-industrial complex.

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