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Report: Transgenders in military exempt from fitness standards…

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The US military is at a major crossroads, or perhaps a “cross dressing” road to be more precise.

During the month of June, which has unfortunately been hijacked by LGBTQ+, America’s Woke Army released a slew of trans-related propaganda, including the latest debacle involving “Rachel Jones,” the new transvestite military In what can only be seen as a spiteful and disrespectful move, the military strategically released this clip just before the 4th of July.

Are these the real heroes?

This video has sparked a lot of controversy, and did you happen to notice anything about the previous transsexuals? They look quite stout. Major Fatass… er, Jones, looks like he needed boot camp again.

Why that? Well, that’s what reporter Jordan Schachtel reported.

It turns out that Mr. “Rachel” won’t have to worry about things like weight standards, at all. Because he identifies as trans, Mr. “Rachel” will be exempt from such awkward things as keeping fit.

Here is a close up of the images:



It’s not just transsexuals, of course: our military is becoming an even bigger, doughier circus in general. In general, however, things fare worse among “diversity” hires: women, blacks, Hispanics and transvestites.

Military times:

It’s not exactly clear why US military personnel are gaining weight. It could be that 15 years of war have weakened attention to fitness. It could be that millennials, with their penchant for sedentary activities like playing video games and killing time on social media, aren’t always up to the rigors of military life. It could be all the burgers, fries, pies and pies served in food halls around the world.

And perhaps, too, the military simply reflects the broader population of the country, whose poor eating habits are fueling an alarming rise in obesity rates.

This much is clear, though: today’s military is bigger than ever.

For the first time in years, the Pentagon has released data showing the number of troops it considers overweight, raising big questions about the health, fitness and readiness of the current force.

About 7.8 percent of military personnel, about one in 13 soldiers, are clinically overweight, defined as a body mass index greater than 25. That rate has increased since 2001, when it was just 1.6 percent, or one in 60, according to Defense Department data obtained by Military Times. And it’s higher among women, blacks, Hispanics and older service members.

Mr. “Rachel” clearly doesn’t adhere to any female weight standards, that’s for sure. Enjoy the best of both worlds: identify as a woman, but eat and look like a man. The USA The military will applaud him at every turn, as in today’s America, under the Biden administration, it seems less about whether we can defend our nation and more about promoting diversity and inclusion. Keep this in mind when our country is undoubtedly fighting against foreign adversaries.



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