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Read it here first: Joe Biden to step down after sudden medical emergency before weak-kneed Republicans rally to impeach him | The Gateway Pundit

Gifts to Hunter Biden from Communist China, including a Rolex and a diamond worth $80,000.

On Tuesday the House Oversight Committee published a Chronology of 14 years of the influence of the Biden crime family who sold and sold America to foreign regimes, including Communist China.

The Oversight Committee is likely only scratching the surface of the criminal actions of Joe Biden, his son Hunter and the extended Biden family.

The Biden family was selling America to Ukraine, Romania and Communist China.

There is a lot of evidence.

Wednesday IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler confirmed in sworn testimony to Congress that the Biden family received approximately $17 million in bribes from China, Romania and other countries in exchange for political favors.

THE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY GONE! – IRS Whistleblower – Gay, Democrat Joseph Ziegler – Confirms Biden Family Received Roughly $17 Million in Payments from China, Romania and Other Countries (VIDEO)

Thursday Senator Chuck Grassley released the FBI document showing that Joe Biden was involved in a $10 million bribery scheme with Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky.

The FD-1023 form alleged that then-Vice President Joe Biden FORCED Zlochevsky, a Ukrainian oligarch, to pay himself and his son Hunter Biden a total of $10 million in exchange for a political favor.

Friday Rudy Giuliani told The War Room audience that the evidence gathered against the Biden crime family is “the strongest case I’ve ever seen” and greater than the evidence his team had in New York in the 1980s to take down the five mob families.

* * * * * * * * * *

And now what? What will the Republicans do next? How will this end?

Democrats move to imprison President Trump on illegitimate charges in trash court cases.

Where are the Republicans?

We all know the answer to that.

Before Joe Biden is impeached, he will have a slip, fall, or medical emergency. His administration will tearfully announce that Joe is stepping down.

Democrats and their media will insist that the Biden crime story is “yesterday’s news” and that it has “already been processed.” The American public will be lectured on what a great leader Joe Biden was and how he should be forever honored in our memories and history books.

The Republican leadership and Uniparty members will breathe a sigh of relief because they will not be forced to go through impeachment proceedings. They will tell us, “This is not who we are.”

just watch You know this is true.


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