In a recent episode of the popular medical drama “New Amsterdam,” viewers were left baffled and outraged by a controversial scene that linked a teenager's tumor to racism. The episode aired on March 30, 2021, and featured the boy's parents voicing their concerns about his medical condition to a specialist at the hospital. In response, the specialist suggested, completely unfounded, that the tumor could be attributed to the boy's experience with racism.
In an episode of “New Amsterdam,” a doctor explains to a mother that her son's tumor grew because of internalized racism. You literally can't make it up.
— Libs from TikTok (@libsoftiktok) June 20, 2024
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The scene in question has been widely shared on social media platforms, with many users expressing disbelief and ridicule at the idea that a social construct like racism could cause a disease. The episode has sparked controversy for selling a narrative that is not only unfounded, but potentially harmful.
Medical dramas are notorious for taking creative liberties to heighten the drama. However, this last instance has passed into the realm of irresponsible and reckless storytelling. The idea that racism could be related to a medical condition is not only misleading, but potentially dangerous as it risks obscuring genuine medical factors that could lead to such diagnoses.
This instance isn't the first time popular TV shows have strayed from narrative to push a divisive agenda. While these shows are entitled to creative freedom, it's crucial that they stay accountable in their narratives and avoid pushing divisive notions.
In short, “the recent episode of New Amsterdam has landed in hot water because of its controversial plot that links a medical condition to racism.” This particular scene demonstrates the desperate attempts of popular TV shows to push narratives that further polarize various communities.
Remember how many people were censored for allegedly spreading misinformation during the pandemic?
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