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Put down the phone! The average parent spends more time on their devices than with their children

NEW YORK – There is no shortage of studies showing the harmful effects of screen time on young, developing minds. However, while many parents set rules to limit their children’s electronics time, most don’t do the best job modeling. Three out of five American parents admit they spend more time on their electronic devices than their children, according to new research.

On average, moms and dads spend almost five hours a day on electronic devices. Unfortunately, this is more than the less than four hours spend on meaningful activities with their children, according to the survey of 2,000 American parents. Most parents (80%) have three electronic devices or more, with the majority of their children (81%) owning at least two electronic devices, highlighting the huge presence of technology in homes

Only two percent of their children do not own a device.

Parents in the digital age need more quality time with their children

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Camping sitereveals that more than half of American parents (60%) are looking for ways to do just that exhaust technology and reconnect with their children. With almost eight in 10 (79%) of parents stating that their experiences with their children are more memorable without the presence of electronic devicesit’s no surprise that the majority (52%) of parents have tried to limit the use of technology in their homes.

Moms and dads are cheering more outdoor game (76%), setting time limits (74%) and creating zones without device (63%). Most also began participating in family outdoor activities this summer, with camp i hiking travel (59%) emerging as the most popular choice. It is followed by picnics (58%) and visits fun i water parks (58%).

“Summer is the perfect time to unplug and reconnect with what really matters: our families,” says Campspot Chief Marketing Officer Erin Stender in a statement. “We know the power of walking away screens and immerse ourselves in nature, as it is often in these moments that we create the strongest family bonds. The campsite, in particular, offers a unique opportunity for families to live new experiences adventures together, fostering not only a love for the outside but also encourage children’s self-development”.

American parents agree, with a majority saying so outdoor activities foster communication and connection (60%) within the family, as well as create lasting memories that help family bonding (57%).

Let’s go camping!

with camping trips considered the most popular summer activity, parents are seeing the positive impacts that concrete camp activities they have in the personal development of their children. This includes nature walks (44%), bonfire kitchen (42%), to fish (38%) and installation of tents (32%).

Moreover, they observed it camp and outdoor experiences fostered problem-solving skills (59%), independence (54%) and resilience (54%) in their children.

Parents also noticed a positive change in their own parenting style when Outdoor. Seventy-two percent reported being able to focus more on family time, while more than half (52%) admitted to feeling more relaxed and relaxed in these environments.

“By spending quality time without electronic deviceswe give each other the gift of undivided attention, fostering deeper connections and meaningful conversations that become the foundation for lasting memories,” adds Stender.

Survey methodology:

This random double-choice survey of 2,000 parents of school-aged childrenn was commissioned by Camping site between From June 21 to July 7, 2023. It was conducted by a market research company OnePollteam members are members of the Market Research Society and have corporate membership in the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the European Society for Marketing Opinion and Research (DREAM).


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