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Professor refuses to back down on ‘Dr. Phil’, defends biological sex science as he confronts trans activists

A fifth-grade teacher stood up to “Dr. Phil” this week by defending biological sex and refusing to back down when trans activists criticized them.

In an episode focused on “gender inclusion” in schools, Dr. Phil and his guests discussed, among other topics, Oregon’s Menstrual Dignity Act, which mandates all school bathrooms in the state of Beaver make menstrual products available to students. Several of the guests argued that putting menstrual products in children’s bathrooms is absolutely necessary. But the teacher, whose name is Ray, had enough.

“Men don’t menstruate. Only women menstruate,” he declared.

A trans activist named “Jordan” immediately backed off. “Cis men don’t menstruate, but trans men menstruate, just like non-binary people,” Jordan said. “Menstruation is not exclusive to women.”

“Yes it is. Yes it is,” Ray said. “If yours [sex] the chromosomes are XX and you are young, you menstruate. If you’re XY, you don’t.”

Jordan responded, “Right,” and claimed that Ray was “excluding” an entire group of people, referring to trans men.

“They’re not men,” Ray replied. “They’re women dressed as men. You’re not a man. You can pretend to be a man, and that’s fine. That’s perfectly fine. Live your life.”

The battle for gender inclusion in

Elsewhere on the show, proponents of trans ideology claimed that young children, even toddlers, experience gender dysphoria. One guest stated that gender identity is “solidified” by age 4. To this, Ray bluntly replied, “That’s not true,” explaining that many young boys with gender dysphoria often grow up to be gay or lose it altogether.

Later in the show, an audience member confronted Ray asking why he cares “so much” about trans ideology. Ray responded that no, but that trans activists want those who disagree with them to care. The audience member responded that they really want people like Ray to “stop being hateful” and “shut up.”

“I don’t agree with you, and you call it hate,” Ray said. “But there is no hatred in my heart.”

“You’re being hateful. When you tell someone who identifies as a man that they’re not a man, that’s hateful,” the audience member shot back.

“That’s not hateful. That’s a fact,” Ray replied.

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