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Prince Harry Fundamentally Changed After Meeting Meghan, College Peer Says in New Book

Prince Harry Fundamentally Changed After Meeting Meghan, College Peer Says in New Book

Prince Harry, the sixth in line to the British throne, has undergone a dramatic transformation since meeting his now-wife, Meghan Markle, according to a new book written by one of his college peers.

In “Prince Harry: The Inside Story,” author Tom Bower recounts the story of how Harry and Meghan first met, and how their relationship changed the British royal.

Bower, who attended Eton College with Harry in the early 2000s, claims that the prince was “fundamentally changed” after meeting Meghan.

He describes Harry as “a young man who had been to the brink of destruction” before meeting Meghan, and credits her with helping him to turn his life around.

Bower says that Harry’s transformation was “remarkable,” and that he “was no longer the wild, partying prince.”

He also claims that Harry was “happier” and “more focused” after meeting Meghan, and that he was “more determined to make a difference in the world.”

The book goes on to explain how Harry and Meghan’s relationship has had a positive impact on the entire royal family.

Bower claims that the couple’s “modern, progressive” approach to life has helped to “open up the monarchy to a new generation.”

He also says that Harry and Meghan’s “natural chemistry” has been a “breath of fresh air” for the British public.

The book provides a unique insight into the transformation of Prince Harry, and how his relationship with Meghan has changed him for the better.

It is a must-read for anyone interested in the British monarchy and the power of love.

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