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President Donald Trump on Stormy Daniels: “I did NOTHING wrong in the ‘Horseface’ case.” – The Donald – America First

President Donald Trump on Stormy Daniels: “I did NOTHING wrong in the ‘Horseface’ case.”  – The Donald – America First

After watching Daniel’s CNN interview a few years ago, I was convinced she made up the whole story.

the media previously made a big deal out of trump’s joke that he was going to marry ivanka. Yes, it was a bad joke, but a joke nonetheless. he intended to express how much he thinks of her, obviously nothing sexual.

So when Daniel does his interview with Jake Tapper, what does he say? she says Trump said she reminded him of his daughter. such an obvious lie, designed to ring true to those with TDS who want to believe that Trump would have sex with his daughter.

but let’s be real about what Trump is like, there is no way Trump would ever compare his beautiful daughter to a normal looking, lower class girl who uses rich guys. As he said, there are plenty of women who will let you take their pu**y, he doesn’t need to sully his daughters name to get laid. he can only say “take off your clothes and get on my bed”. a billionaire who has been on the golf course many, many times does not need to unnecessarily flatter a woman who was already planning to have sex with him!

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