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Poll: Only 14% Support Amnesty for Illegals

Poll: Only 14% Support Amnesty for Illegals

The heated debate over immigration reform in the United States has been reignited by a recent poll that found only 14% of Americans support granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. The survey, conducted by the Pew Research Center, asked respondents if they supported a policy that would allow illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. and eventually become citizens if they met certain requirements.

The poll results show that support for amnesty is at its lowest level since 2007, when only 17% of Americans supported it. This is a stark contrast to the high levels of support for amnesty that were seen in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when more than half of Americans supported it.

The poll results have been met with mixed reactions from both sides of the immigration debate. Supporters of amnesty argue that the poll results do not reflect the true sentiment of the American people, and that most Americans are actually in favor of granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. They point to the fact that a majority of Americans support comprehensive immigration reform, which includes providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

On the other hand, opponents of amnesty argue that the poll results are a sign that the American people are fed up with the current immigration system and the lack of enforcement of existing laws. They argue that granting amnesty to illegal immigrants would only encourage more illegal immigration and would be unfair to those who have gone through the proper channels to become citizens.

No matter where one stands on the issue of amnesty for illegal immigrants, the poll results are a clear indication that the American people are divided on the issue. As the debate over immigration reform continues, it will be interesting to see if public opinion shifts in favor of granting amnesty or if the current level of opposition remains.

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