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Peter Schweizer: GAI Research Reveals 50 Risks to Election Integrity

Peter Schweizer: GAI Research Reveals 50 Risks to Election Integrity

Peter Schweizer: GAI Research Reveals 50 Risks to Election Integrity

Peter Schweizer: GAI Research Reveals 50 Risks to Election Integrity

In a recent article by Breitbart, Peter Schweizer sheds light on potential threats to the integrity of U.S. elections, as detailed in a report from the Government Accountability Institute (GAI). The analysis raises significant concerns regarding the electoral process and highlights 50 specific risks that could impact future elections.

Categories of Threats

The GAI report categorizes threats to election integrity into five main areas:

  • Dark Money: Funds used in public election administration, such as Zuckerbucks, can wield considerable influence over electoral processes.
  • Lawfare Operations: These involve leveraging taxpayer resources to politically target and undermine challengers to incumbents through legal means.
  • Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Operations: Nonprofit organizations may engage in biased practices by targeting voters aligned with a particular political party, thereby skewing voter turnout.
  • Vote Fraud: This encompasses fraudulent activities, including double-voting and casting ballots by individuals who do not meet eligibility requirements.
  • Election Fraud: Activities aimed at illegally manipulating the election process during ballot collection or counting.

Specific Issues in Michigan

The report notably identifies serious issues in Michigan, where voter registration rates exceed 100% in 53 counties. This raises alarms about the integrity of voter rolls and the presence of individuals on these lists who may not be eligible to vote. Furthermore, it places responsibility on voters to keep their registration status updated, an obligation that is often neglected, resulting in duplicate registrations.

Impact of 2020 Rule Changes

The report discusses the ramifications of rule changes made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic during the 2020 election cycle. While these alterations were intended to enhance voter safety, they inadvertently compromised election security. Although many changes have been repealed or amended, concerns regarding their long-term effects on electoral integrity remain, especially with the 2024 elections on the horizon.

Historical Context and Previous Findings

Schweizer’s article references Eric Eggers’ 2018 book, Fraud, which outlines historical instances of election manipulation in the United States. Additionally, a 2017 GAI report uncovered over 2,000 cases of double voting in Florida during the 2016 election, further illustrating ongoing vulnerabilities within the electoral system.

Solutions and Recommendations

In response to these identified threats, the GAI report advocates for a series of measures designed to safeguard election integrity. Key recommendations include maintaining accurate voter rolls, reinforcing fair election systems, and addressing various categorized threats head-on, thereby fostering a more secure electoral environment.


Overall, the GAI study highlights the urgent need for vigilance and reform in the U.S. electoral process. By addressing the outlined risks and implementing suggested solutions, stakeholders can work towards ensuring the integrity of democracy in upcoming elections.

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