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Personal testimonials from former members will be presented

Special counsel David Weiss will present personal testimony from three of Hunter Biden's former romantic partners in the upcoming gun case against the president's son. The trial, scheduled for June 3 in Delaware, will focus on allegations that Hunter Biden was abusing drugs while purchasing and briefly possessing a revolver in 2018, a violation of federal law. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The prosecution's case will rely heavily on the personal testimony of key witnesses, including Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, his brother's widow, Hallie Biden, and Lunden Roberts, the mother of his son. Those testimonies, along with text messages and photos, are expected to provide a detailed account of Hunter Biden's struggle with drug addiction during the time he had the gun.

One of the witnesses, believed to be Hallie Biden, is expected to testify that she found the revolver in Hunter Biden's possession in 2018 and later threw it in a dumpster near a grocery store in Wilmington , Delaware. She will also testify about her efforts to help him get sober, which included finding drugs and drug paraphernalia in his possessions on several occasions in 2018.

Another witness, likely Roberts, will testify about Hunter Biden's frequent use of crack cocaine, reportedly every 20 minutes, except when he was asleep. Prosecutors also plan to introduce text messages and images of Hunter Biden depicting drug use, discussions about sobriety and interactions with drug dealers.

The prosecution's witness list also includes federal agents and the gun store employee who allegedly sold the gun to Hunter Biden in 2018. A Drug Enforcement Administration agent is expected to testify about the coded drug language used in Hunter Biden's text messages. The trial promises to be a deeply personal examination of Hunter Biden's struggles with addiction, putting a national spotlight on a period he has described as his “rock spring.”


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