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Oregon city in uproar over alleged trans person stripping in women's locker at community pool

A small town's swimming pool became the latest battleground in the fight to protect women's spaces, as alphabet activists were played victim by a man who allegedly stripped in front of the girls.

At Monday's Newport, Ore., City Council meeting, the agenda opened the floor for public comment after locals complained about an incident at the Newport Recreation and Aquatic Center. The problem for the women and girls of the city was the decision of its elected officials to side with the grown man who stripped around the women.

“There are assumptions that people make. If I see you as a predator, and I see you through that lens, because you're different from me, then I'm going to interpret whatever you do as a predator,” Newport Mayor Jan Kaplan . expressed at the close of Monday's meeting.

The agenda item was sparked by local uproar, including resident Linda Dinerstein, who told the meeting: “I personally witnessed a person who appeared to be a man, openly dressing in the locker room of the women. The recreation center later reported that it was a biological woman who was in the process of transitioning.”

Although the facility denied the physical realities that would have been readily apparent to witnesses of the nudity of the locker rooms, Dinerstein expressed, “We don't want our children to see people of the opposite sex or people who transition to the opposite sex naked or naked”.

Others joined her in speaking out against the rainbow jihad, but community leaders and the Oregon law sharply contrasted those voicing their concerns, telling them they could use the private gender-neutral bathroom to change if they felt uncomfortable.

A man who identified himself as Marci Grace Frederick, the self-described director of a transgender nonprofit, expressed concern about being portrayed as a predator at Monday's meeting: “People tonight who is sitting in this room has called me a sexual deviant and a predator”.

Image via City of Newport

Similarly, Lincoln County Commissioner Claire Hall, formerly of Lincoln County Commissioner Bill Hall, spoke out against the uproar as she he said KATU, “It saddens me that apparently some people in the community have been able to whip up a frenzy, and I really think it's an attempt to put a spotlight on the bodies and identities of transgender women.”

In his own statement on KOIN, Newport Parks and Recreation Director Michael Cavanaugh also sided with the alphabet movement, ignoring the safety concerns of women and children who don't want to be exposed to male nudity.

“Public spaces are for everyone and the City Council works diligently to ensure they are inclusive, accessible and safe,” he said. “Our city is diverse, vibrant and thriving because of the many people who live and work here. The City of Newport and Newport Parks and Recreation will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or violence towards any customer or staff “.

As it happened, the current mayor of Newport was appointed to finish the term of the previous mayor Dean Sawyer who OPB reported was forced to resign after his posts in a private Facebook community mocking leftists and their causes with memes that included Bud Light jokes became public.


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