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Op-Ed: Here’s How to Track the Attacks on Trump and the Growing Threats to Our Republic

Op-Ed: Here’s How to Track the Attacks on Trump and the Growing Threats to Our Republic

Op-Ed: Here’s How to Track the Attacks on Trump and the Growing Threats to Our Republic

The Trump presidency has been marred by controversy since its inception, and as the 2020 election approaches, the attacks on the President have only intensified. While many of these attacks may seem justified to those who oppose Trump, it is important to recognize that they represent a growing threat to our democratic institutions. As citizens, it is our responsibility to track these attacks and defend our republic from the dangers they pose.

One way to track these attacks is to keep a close eye on the media. The mainstream media has been particularly hostile towards Trump, often reporting on negative stories and downplaying his successes. It is important to recognize that the media has a bias just like any other organization, and their reporting should be taken with a grain of salt. However, paying attention to what the media is reporting can give us valuable insight into the attacks on Trump and the political climate in general.

Another way to track these attacks is to pay attention to the actions of political opponents. Many politicians and organizations have made it their mission to bring down Trump, often using underhanded tactics to do so. These can include leaking sensitive information, manufacturing scandals, and using social media to spread false narratives. By keeping a watchful eye on these activities, we can better understand the motivations and tactics of those who oppose Trump.

Finally, it is important to pay attention to the larger political landscape. Trump’s opponents are not just targeting him personally, but also the institutions that have upheld American democracy for over two centuries. Attacks on the media, the Justice Department, and other government agencies can weaken our democratic institutions and pave the way for authoritarianism. By tracking these attacks, we can better understand the threat they pose to our republic and take action to defend against them.

In conclusion, the attacks on Trump are not just about him personally, but also about the future of our republic. By tracking these attacks, we can better understand the motivations and tactics of Trump’s opponents and defend our democracy from the threats they pose. It is up to all of us to remain vigilant and protect the institutions that have served our nation for generations.

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