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Of course the person who doesn’t support the death penalty for child rapists has a communist symbol on their twitter. – The Donald – America First

Of course the person who doesn’t support the death penalty for child rapists has a communist symbol on their twitter.  – The Donald – America First

Can’t wait for McArthy 2.0. Their day, whoever it is, is coming and I hope we all live stream it.

Sell ​​tickets and then use that money to keep them for life or kick them out (those not on the wrong side of a firing squad).

Then we lower taxes, lower interest rates. We cops stop the militarization of the police, bring back public executions. Have a national guard on duty for every major city (especially the Democrats)

Then we put term limits on any congressman and representative and on all government positions. Make it an honor to serve and you will get tax exemptions for only two years of service.

Back to America is the best ideology, because we are.

Now ticket sales for demon executions are used to shore up the defense budget and build the most beautiful wall that says “learn to be an American, before you can be an American.”

Make everyone believe the truth, backed by the Bible, USA.

And yes, that means a war will be waged, against ALL THE PERVERTS IN OUR NATION. I’m talking about the people who cloak themselves as virtue signaling and sexually exploit children.

They are demons, if you believe in that crap (Trans Gay all Jesus loves you and you can come back and live a healthy life where you will be rewarded ten times over what you can imagine).

Strange phrase, BUT AND ONLY THEN.

May we sleep soundly in our homes, beds, wives and most importantly.

MY. GD. AMERICAN made shotgun.

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