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New York mayor hits out with lawsuit over outraged teachers union

New York City's powerful teachers union is suing Democratic Mayor Eric Adams over deep budget cuts as the city struggles to find money to accommodate the influx of illegal aliens who have invaded the Big Apple.

Adams has been sounding the alarm over the migrant crisis for months and has been forced to make deep budget cuts affecting essential services to offset the costs of newcomers, including cutting nearly $550 million in funding for the education that the union is going to judge.

Claiming that Hizzoner would violate a state law that prohibits cuts in education spending unless there is a decrease in overall revenue, the United Federation of Teachers filed a lawsuit in state court this Thursday accusing the mayor of exaggerating the city's fiscal problems to justify “draconian cuts” that he describes as unnecessary and illegal.

“The administration cannot go around promoting the recovery of tourism and the return of jobs to the city before the pandemic, and then create a fiscal crisis and cut education because of its own mismanagement of the sun problem asylum seekers. Our schools and our families deserve better,” said Michael Mulgrew, president of the United Federation of Teachers. statement posted on the union's website announcing the lawsuit.

(Video: YouTube/Fox 5 New York)

“This is going to get hard and ugly,” Mulgrew said at a news conference Thursday. “We've never had an administration that has tried to cut their schools when they have historic reserves and their revenue has increased.”

Calling the Adams administration's blame for the crackdown on asylum seekers “a false narrative,” the suit claims that “the law does not allow school funding to be used as a currency of political bargaining; and cutting essential services in city schools is no substitute for the mayoral leadership and advocacy on behalf of New Yorkers needed to win federal and state support,” according to the UFT.

“From time to time, friends disagree,” Mayor Adams said during a press conference Thursday. “Sometimes it ends up in a boardroom and sometimes it ends up in a courtroom.”

The lawsuit is just the latest in a string of problems for the embattled mayor, whose stewardship of the crime-ridden metropolis has been under fire almost since the day he was sworn in to replace Bill de Blasio, arguably the most destructive leader ever to serve the City Council.

Adams has taken on the Biden regime over his criticism of President Joe Biden's disastrous immigration policies that have flooded his city with illegals, a crisis he said was destroying Gotham as the buses continue arriving with its human cargo, exceeding the accommodation capacity. and feed them

“The mayor's recent actions,” the lawsuit states, “are motivated more by a 'crisis' of budget management, leadership and problem solving, rather than an influx of migrants to New York.”


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New York mayor hits out with lawsuit over outraged teachers union
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