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Netflix just gave Harry and Meghan a very threatening ultimatum |

Things are really going south for Meghan and Harry…

It has become increasingly apparent that the general public has a strong disapproval of the pair, which has led to the loss of some very profitable deals. A prominent example is Meghan Markle’s Spotify deal, valued at approximately $20 million.

Now, there are indications they could face the possibility of losing yet another partnership with Netflix, with the network reportedly advising the pair to improve their entertainment value or risk taking the cut.

From TMZ:

According to The Sun, Netflix fans recently had a conversation with the ex-royal couple … allegedly telling them to make better, must-have content or risk not getting the rest of their 100+ contract millions of dollars. . which they have already achieved about half of it at this point.

In fact… the reported conditions have been set, meaning Meg and Harry must produce higher quality shows, docs and/or films to claim the rest of their purse… and if not fan, it looks like Netflix is ​​ready. to cut their deal and refuse to pay them in full.

The Sun goes on to say, citing an unnamed source who claims to be connected, that Netflix was happy with the results of its bombshell doc… but has been disappointed with everything after that, which presumably includes PH’s upcoming Invictus docuseries ( which still passes and leaves around August). Although anything else is nowhere to be found.

The report notes that Meghan pitched an idea for an animated series about a girl inspired by historical female figures, but Netflix shelved it. It seems they didn’t think it was convincing… a recurring theme we hear from them as creatives now.

Now, with the prospect of potentially cutting them off unless they deliver… The Sun’s source says the streaming giant wouldn’t do it as publicly / humiliatingly as Spotify did. However, they admit it would make big headlines in itself…and probably look bad.

If Netflix decides to cancel Meghan and Harry’s show, it could mark the start of a downward spiral for the couple.

Despite their current financial prosperity, the sources of their wealth appear to be rapidly diminishing, with their current arrangements essentially hanging on a threat.


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