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NBC Destroys Fact-Checking to Defend Pride Protesters’ ‘We Come for Your Children’ Chant

NBC Destroys Fact-Checking to Defend Pride Protesters’ ‘We Come for Your Children’ Chant

On Monday, NBC published an unusual article attempting to defend LGBTQ “Pride” protesters for provocatively chanting “We’re Coming for Your Children” at a recent event.

“The chant of come for your children has been used for years at Pride events, according to marchers and gay rights activists, who said it is one of many provocative expressions used to take back control of slurs against LGBTQ people,” NBC stated.

But note contributors in the Twitter community were having none of it. On Tuesday, the fact-checking community blasted the NBC activist op-ed masquerading as news.

The “coming for your children” chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to marchers and longtime gay rights activists, who said it is one of many provocative expressions that ‘use to regain control of insults against LGBTQ people.

— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 28, 2023

“‘Come for your children’ is not a historic part of Pride.” read the factual rejoinder. “The chant appears to be from a choir of gay men in San Francisco singing a song with that title two years ago in 2021. Therefore, this article is a misrepresentation of Pride history.”

As the Post Millennial pointed out, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus made it explicitly clear what the song was about.

The San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir released a song explaining how they will “convert your children.”

More info:

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 7, 2021

Below is a selection of the letters:

“You think we are sinners, you fight against our right, you say that we all lead lives that you cannot respect. But you’re just scared, you think we’ll corrupt your children if our agenda goes unchecked. It’s funny, only this time, you’re right.”

“We will convert your children, it happens little by little, quietly and subtly and you will hardly notice it, you can keep them from the club, warn them about San Francisco, make them wear pleated trousers, we don’t care… to us” I will convert your children… we will make them tolerant and just.”

“As you are concerned, they will change their group of friends, you will not approve where they go at night (at the protests). And you’ll be disgusted when they start learning things online that you kept out of their sight (like information).

The song adds “Gen Z is more gay than Grindr” and “even grandma likes RuPaul,” the popular drag queen show. The group then chants in chorus, “We’re coming for them, we’re coming for your children.”

Corporate America has been making a full push to support these LGBTQ events, such as the New York Pride March where the chant was performed.

.@Target, @CocaCola, @Chase, @HiltonHotels, @Nissan and more partnered with NYC Pride, the group that organized the NYC Pride March, where marchers dressed in drag chanted “come for your kids” .

— Consumers’ Research (@ConsumersFirst) June 26, 2023

Many of these Pride parades incorporate sexually oriented performances and, in some cases, even nudity, even with young children.

A group of nudists participate in the Toronto Pride Parade.

🎥: @bethbaisch

— 6ixBuzzTV (@6ixbuzztv) June 27, 2023

On Monday, more than 250 Hollywood artists published a letter supporting the censorship of debate around LGBTQ and transgender issues on social media.


More than 250 Hollywood actors sign a letter demanding censorship of the debate on transgender issues

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This article contains comments that reflect the opinion of the author.

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