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NASCAR Has a ‘Diversity Internship’ That White People Are Banned from Applying For: ‘Blatantly Illegal’

NASCAR Has a ‘Diversity Internship’ That White People Are Banned from Applying For: ‘Blatantly Illegal’

Title: NASCAR Has a ‘Diversity Internship’ That White People Are Banned from Applying For: ‘Blatantly Illegal’


In an attempt to address historical inequalities and underrepresentation in the sport, NASCAR has launched a ‘Diversity Internship’ program exclusively targeting underrepresented communities. The initiative aims to promote diversity within the motorsport industry and provide opportunities to individuals from marginalized backgrounds. However, restricting white applicants from participating has sparked controversy and legal concerns regarding discrimination laws.

The Purpose of NASCAR’s Diversity Internship

Initiated in 2004, NASCAR’s Diversity Internship program strives to provide hands-on experience and career development opportunities to young professionals from diverse backgrounds. The program’s main objective is to increase diversity within the sport’s management, driver lineup, and crew positions.

The Distinction and Potential Legal Implications

The controversy surrounding NASCAR’s Diversity Internship lies in its apparent exclusion of white applicants. Per the program’s guidelines, only underrepresented ethnicities, as well as women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and disabled persons, are eligible to apply. While the objective of promoting diversity is commendable, the exclusion of any specific racial or ethnic group has raised questions about potential violations of anti-discrimination laws.

Legal experts argue that such a race-based exclusion directly contravenes the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. By restricting white applicants from participating, NASCAR risks being accused of discriminatory practices.

NASCAR’s Defense and Intentions

NASCAR, in its defense, states that the Diversity Internship program aims to rectify historical disparities in the sport. The organization argues that, historically, certain racial and ethnic groups have faced barriers in accessing career opportunities within the industry. The program is an attempt to address this imbalance and increase representation from marginalized groups who have been historically underrepresented in motorsports.

NASCAR stresses that the program does not permanently ban white individuals from applying to regular internships or job positions. Critics against NASCAR’s Diversity Internship, however, argue that the line between promoting diversity and engaging in reverse discrimination becomes blurred when certain groups are explicitly excluded.

Navigating the Legal and Ethical Challenges

While diversity and inclusion efforts are important, it is crucial to ensure they adhere to anti-discrimination laws and promote fairness for all. NASCAR’s Diversity Internship program could benefit from revising its eligibility criteria to include all underrepresented individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender. This updated approach would allow the program to promote diversity without facing accusations of discrimination or infringing upon the legal rights of any particular group.


NASCAR’s Diversity Internship program reflects the motorsport industry’s efforts to address historical imbalances and underrepresentation. The program’s intentions to provide opportunities to marginalized groups deserve appreciation. However, limiting applications based on race and ethnicity raises concerns about legality and fairness. Encouraging diversity without resorting to exclusions based on race will better serve the objective of fostering an inclusive environment within the sport. Ultimately, a more inclusive approach will enable NASCAR to embrace diversity positively and avoid legal contentions.

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