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Missing the headlines: 90% of US jobs created in June went to foreign-born workers, including illegals (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

US job growth slowed in June. There was 209,000 non-agricultural jobs created last month versus a forecast of 225,000 new jobs for the month. May payrolls were revised down to 306,000 from 339,000, a loss of 33,000 jobs. And, of course, wage gains again failed to keep pace with inflation.

but the news is even more bleak for American families.

Heritage Foundation Fellow EJ Antoni joined The War Room on Friday morning to discuss the latest jobs numbers.

EJ noted that 90 percent of the new jobs created were foreign. And that number includes illegal aliens!

EJ Antoni: So another key thing we’ve been looking at has been the disparity between foreign-born workers and native-born workers. And indeed, again, about 90% of the jobs we have now above pre-pandemic levels have gone to foreign-born workers. What’s really interesting is that this is the first month where native workers have finally returned to pre-pandemic levels. One of the reasons it’s so interesting is because the BLS, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, has to assign weights to both categories and they do it separately. And what it does is it gives you an estimate of how much each of those categories is increasing…

…And another really interesting thing is that the BLS surveys for foreign-born workers don’t ask anything about a person’s status. In other words, are you here legally or illegally? And so, even on the BLS’s own website, they admit that they are very likely capturing some illegal aliens in these surveys. And you’re absolutely right that by increasing the ratio of foreign-born to native-born workers, you essentially lower average wages. And that has helped keep wage growth down.


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