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Miscarriages and stillbirths due to ‘vaccines’ up 5,271% in 2021 compared to 2020 – Discern Report

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“Pregnant women should be vaccinated,” they said.

The Covid-19 “vaccines” have proven to be the most dangerous and falsely promoted drugs by the government in human history. The death toll continues to rise, and despite unequivocal evidence that they are neither safe nor effective, they are still being heavily promoted as such. The corporate media, academia and most of the medical community are too afraid or too complicit to report the truth.

While it seems to many that medical tyranny is waning and Pandemic Panic Theater is in its final act, the need to share information about strokes has increased. People pleasers are gullible people. We expect another round of… something… to start anytime between now and Election Day 2024. That’s why sharing data like this is so important:

It doesn’t take a mathematician to notice the sharp increase in stillbirths and miscarriages that took place in 2021. More than 5,100 have been reported since the shocks of Covid were unleashed on the public. In 2020, there were 65, according to the CDC own data.

Any doctor, politician, academic or journalist who uses their influence to force pregnant women to be jabbed is complicit in the deaths of these premature babies. And if 5,100 were reported, that means between 51,000 and 510,000 died needlessly.

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