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Megyn Kelly issues ominous warning if Trump goes to jail before Election Day

Megyn Kelly warned of dark times for the nation if former President Donald Trump is convicted and jailed before the 2024 presidential election.

The SiriusXM radio host summed up her time moderating this week's fourth Republican primary debate during her show Thursday, but warned that the “country will burn” if Democrats manage to put Trump behind bars.

“I don't think anybody thinks that anything really changed as a result of last night, so once again, Trump won because if nothing changed, he's the winner, he's 50 points ahead,” he said host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” as she spoke with National Review's Rich Lowry and Jim Geraghty.

“Now what, guys? Andy McCarthy had an editorial in National Review saying he thought like a judge [Tanya] Chutkan may not allow Trump to be released on bail when he is likely to be convicted in this federal case in DC,” he continued.

“There will be riots, the country will burn if she sends him to prison before November 2024, and Andy, being the smartest man we all know, says 'don't rule it out'. So where do we go? from this day to that?” Kelly asked her guests.

Geraghty thought that “[Ron] DeSantis and [Nikki] Haley should form a unity ticket, whether it's Haley-DeSantis, DeSantis-Haley, I don't have a particularly strong preference one way or the other.

“But that's the only way you could get the majority of Haley's supporters to join DeSantis and vice versa,” he added, noting that the two GOP contenders have “fought for a very distant second ” so far in the race.

“If Trump is the nominee, we're in totally uncharted waters,” he told Kelly. “And I would say based on history, don't doubt Andy McCarthy.”

In the referenced column, McCarthy called attention to D.C. Tanya Chutkan and her ruling that Trump “is not immune from criminal prosecution, for his role leading to J6, could determine the viability of Trump's presidential candidacy in 2024.”

“Let's say Trump is convicted by a jury in Washington, DC, a distinct possibility,” McCarthy continued. “While I believe Judge Chutkan would exercise his broad authority to allow him to remain free pending sentencing (usually three months after trial), that is not certain.”

“If Trump is convicted and sentenced to prison,” he added, “I wouldn't bet on Chutkan granting him bail pending appeal. If he asked to be released, the former president would have to try to convince the D.C. Circuit to overrule Judge Chutkan and allow him to remain free as the 2024 campaign unfolded.”


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