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Matt Gaetz: “Kevin McCarthy Would Never Put Anything Above His Own Power And Ambition”

Matt Gaetz: “Kevin McCarthy Would Never Put Anything Above His Own Power And Ambition”

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Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida joins Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss the ongoing debt limit battle and to explain his position on the continuing resolution proposed by Congressman Byron Donalds in order to avoid a government shutdown. Gaetz blasts the proposal for its avoidance of actual legislating. He says the cuts proposed in the CR will not have any impact on the massive over spending of three letter agencies.

“It is fundamentally unserious to be taking these up or down votes that dictate the future of all of these disparate agencies of government,” Gaetz tells Bannon.

The post Matt Gaetz: “Kevin McCarthy Would Never Put Anything Above His Own Power And Ambition” appeared first on Stephen K Bannon’s War Room.

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