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Looks like the WEF Twitter CEO puppet rumor is real. She has already resigned from NBCUniversal. WTF Elon? – The Donald – America First

Looks like the WEF Twitter CEO puppet rumor is real.  She has already resigned from NBCUniversal.  WTF Elon?  – The Donald – America First

Here’s what I know: I don’t know shit. I don’t know a shit about how these elite social systems work, economics, politics, none of that. I doubt many people posting here do.

Elon knows a little more. There are entire spheres of ultra rich and powerful people. Like it or not, their influence is important. Elon brings them into the public dialogue.

I mean…I’m trying to look on the bright side here. It could be a positive if this goes in a different way than it has EVER gone BEFORE IN HUMAN HISTORY, as these disconnected, entitled “dub fucks” run everything…but we’ll see.

Perhaps Elon’s goal is to give the ultra elite a seat in an open dialogue armed only with the power of their ideas and how they fight for the truth and present those truths in the town square.

Yes, this post is 100% hopi and I’m getting ready for all my hard earned gains to be dusted off by these fucking shitheads.

Billion White Pill Scenario: This woman at the WEF was chosen because she has seen how ineffective and insane their previous institutions are, and wants to build a bridge of sanity between these isolated elite groups and a network of open communication

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