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KJP Gets Cornered About Joe Biden’s Own Gun Laws In Regards To Hunter Biden’s Gun Crimes [VIDEO]

KJP Gets Cornered About Joe Biden’s Own Gun Laws In Regards To Hunter Biden’s Gun Crimes [VIDEO]

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre skirted the question of whether or not President Joe Biden believes someone charged with illegal firearm possession [Alluding to Hunter’s gun crime] should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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The reporter asked Jean-Pierre to clarify Biden’s stance, citing his lengthy political career heavily focused on gun law reform. The reporter pushed, “Does he believe that someone who is charged with possessing a firearm illegally should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law?”

Rather than providing a clear response, Jean-Pierre deflected, saying, “I’m gonna be. I think I know where this question is going. And I’m just going to continue to say, as it relates to this case that we’re seeing in Delaware, I’m just going to not speak to that.” She further delegated the question to the Department of Justice, claiming it was an independent legal matter she would not discuss.

Dissatisfied with this noncommittal response, the reporter again questioned the President’s position on illegal firearm possession, aiming to obtain a definitive stance on the matter. The reporter asked, “So when someone possesses one illegally, what does the President believe should happen to them?”

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Jean-Pierre continued to sidestep the issue, again indicating that she understood the implications of the question but refusing to answer directly. Instead, she again referred the question to the Department of Justice.

Critics on the conservative side of the aisle see Jean-Pierre’s deflections as an indication of the administration’s reluctance to affirm its commitment to prosecuting illegal firearms possession [of those who agree with their political ideology], especially given Biden’s long-standing advocacy for stricter gun control laws.

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