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Ken Paxton | Here’s the Truth about Election Fraud – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Ken Paxton | Here’s the Truth about Election Fraud – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

The machines tell the cheaters, how many votes they must manipulate, to win, in real time.
This real time vote tally, recorded as fast as your vote is made, is sent around the world.
This why the 5 states stopped voting at 11pm on election night. The machines told the massive fraudsters,
They had ‘not’ cheated enough. President Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania by over 1/2 a million votes at 11 pm.
The counting stopped, when they started counting the votes the next morning, Trump was behind, in Pennsylvania.
This was on TV. Then videos, popped up the next day, with
Truckloads of ballots, in the dark of night, adding to the closed voting venues.
It was treason!

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